02 May, Thursday
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Proakatemian esseepankki

Marketing Revolution

Kirjoittanut: Antti Eloranta - tiimistä Apaja.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

Crush it!
Gary Vaynerchuck
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

The marketing is nothing like it was 10 years ago. There are same elements that do work still, and the behavior behind humans has changed slightly, but the fact is that you can’t anymore do things the same way you have done always, that’s not enough. If you continue running your business with the same strategy in marketing, sells and even leading, you are losing the game. The platforms and the way you can do marketing is so different today. 10-20 years ago when you put an advertisement to newspapers, for example kauppalehti, it was enough. Today you must think of marketing as a champagne bottle. When it opens, the champagne will be everywhere at the same time, considering it is warm, since cold champagne doesn’t do anything, but you should know this by now. 


When the champagne bottle opens, it does get everywhere and it’s a mess. That is exactly the same reaction you want to do with advertising and marketing, you need to be in every media where your target segment is located at the same time. In a very old marketing theory, it is said that the customer needs to see the ad 7 times before he is ready for the purchase action. This statement does work still in todays digital marketing, but the times you need to see the ad is even bigger, because there is so much material in the online world where the target customers are. How do you get the customer to see your “ad” 7 times? You must be in Instagram, facebook, street displays, YouTube, Linkedin, in every platform available. But its useless to use facebook if your target audience is a 7-years old boy. 


When you have your product or service, you must have made the validation before you can start really do the marketing for it. There is no way you can sell or say that your target audience is everyone nor for everyone. Todays marketing is so much about the validation, it sounds stupid but its so true. You must 


  1. Know your audience = validation (easier to sell) 
  1. Find ( How to find your audience, where are they and how to reach them?) 
  1. Be found ( How do people find your business? and from where?) 
  1. Count ( How to use the data, who is your customer? when they use your business?) 
  1. Qualification ( How “rich” is your customer base? what kind of leeds you use / have? 




After your business have found out their steps, it’s a lot easier to start doing the marketing. Then you will have an idea where you will find your customers and how they will find you. That’s just wise and the only way to do it without wasting your or your investors money.  


“You should create and do marketing that converts only into money” – Joona Kapanen. If you do marketing for 1 euro and it does not bring you 2 euros, that’s not efficient and profitable. Only huge brands and companies can do marketing just for brand purposes and in the name of creating image of the company, like CocaCola. If your company is not that big, you should focus only on the profiting side of marketing and growth. Too many companies focus too much on the brand and image just to realize they don’t matter in the beginning of their journey. 


Also very important part of the profitable marketing is to find very good quality LEEDS, which are the potential customers and users of your product or service. To find these you must first create a profile of your business and how it is allocated with the companies in the same business industry. After you have managed to do this you must find out what are you doing differently than the others, and where do you want to be positioned in the market. When you do this you will know what are your strengths = how to do marketing. 







If your company and brand is Volkswagen, and you want to become a Mercedes, you must do the marketing differently than how Mercedes is doing already in the top, you have different target groups and you are not selling the cars for those “rich” premium audiences. Now if you do purchase adword marketing for premium cars, there will ne no conversion for it. This means that you are not doing the marketing the way Kapanen said, efficiently.  








Gary Vaynerchuk: Crush it! 2009, Harper Collins, New York 



