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The library of essays of Proakatemia


Kirjoittanut: Viragi Gunasekara - tiimistä Ei tiimiä.

Esseen tyyppi: Akateeminen essee / 3 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 8 minuuttia.



People changing careers multiple times during their lives is getting more and more prevalent. It is exceedingly unlikely, if not impossible, for someone to learn a job today and keep those abilities up throughout their entire life in forty years. Adaptability and an opportunity for advancement in one’s career are vital in the current workforce as enterprises expand and technologies advance. This continuous shift provides an excellent opportunity for reinvention on the personal and professional levels, formed by fresh difficulties and experiences.

For the firm to be successful overall, you have to grow your skills. Inadequate technology can prevent businesses from implementing cutting-edge technology and structurally modernizing, the two of which are vital to integrating this technology. A successful organization relies upon its registered, committed, and competent employees. Technical training for employees is an investment beneficial to both the individual and the company at large.

Emphasizes the importance it is to perceive human capital as being outstanding in order to establish central confidence in human resource management. Pigours and Myers define human resource management as an approach for building capabilities that aligns with this point of view. This strategy generates a setting that is caring and growth-oriented alongside to being conducive to organizational success. Businesses can encourage the personal and professional growth of their employees while laying a solid foundation for long-term achievement.

A key element of managing human resources is training. This activity not only provides inspiration for performance, but it also makes an important contribution to both the growth and achievement of the company. In the words of Armstrong (2006), the primary objective of training is to enable it easier for people to grow in their skills and abilities, which is advantageous for both individual and the organization as a whole. As stated by Drummond, fostering both the professional and personal growth of their employees can increase productivity and generate a team of driven staff members. (Jane et al. 2013). This displays how an organization may provide worth and become more motivated when it instructs staff members on routine processes. It might boost the company’s overall achievement and visibility.

Finland’s Proakatemia is the home of numerous entrepreneurs and enterprises. This essay focuses on how evaluating enterprises for labor success might help business incubators develop their newly formed enterprises.


Training is described as “the organizational process involved in the acquisition or maintenance of capabilities” by Pepper (Wilson 2001, 118). He continues by defining what development means. A person is frequently described as going through a developmental process when the objective is to learn a set of skills that are necessary to do a job in the desired future but are outside the realm of their current competence. The quality of theational success. Businesses can encourage the personal and professional growth of their employees while laying a solid foundation for long-term achievement. instruction cannot be higher than the analytic license, as Kenny and Reed (1986, 69) note. According to the aforementioned conclusions, a business should treat its employees as a separate entity. because the core of the business is its people. For an organization to continue to perform at a high level and to have contented employees, a stronger training and development program is required. Training is essential to human resource management since it is the finest approach to energize workers inside a business.

Organizational, professional, and individual levels of training demands were recognized by Boydell (Wilson 2005, 139). We begin by decomposing the process into these three major categories.

  1. Needs at organizational level

The majority of successfully managed businesses have a clear set of goals in place. These goals often cascade down the organization, ensuring that each department, division, and manager has a sub-goal that is in line with the overall organizational strategy. This alignment supports an integrated workplace and promotes business expansion. Effective communication and teamwork across the various levels of management are made possible by a clear set of objectives, which supports a positive corporate culture.

Examining how new innovations inevitably involve change, which may result in errors or missed opportunities, is another similar way to think about the organization’s aims. In order to anticipate potential difficulties, a wise organization will give priority to assessing the training implications prior to implementation, not during the procedure.

This proactive approach maximizes the advantages of embracing innovation while minimizing dangers. Last but not least, encouraging an innovative attitude helps equip organizations to successfully traverse the challenges of change and seize new opportunities.

The business will also adopt a more comprehensive strategy for gauging its performance, extending its evaluation standards to include other crucial areas in addition to conventional financial performance metrics. Customer complaints, liability costs, accident rates, and quality expenses are just a few departmental and organizational metrics that can give you a good idea of how the organization is doing overall. The organization seeks to discover areas for improvement and adopt specific plans to efficiently address them by taking into account this assortment of various metrics.

The business can adapt and evolve continuously with a strong focus on customer satisfaction and overall operational efficiency by adopting this multidimensional approach to performance evaluation. (Wilson 2005)

      1.1. Needs at department level

Organizations can benefit greatly from department-specific training, especially when responsibilities are being distributed. Departmental analysis should be carried out similarly to how organizational analysis of performance is crucial. Managers and employees can obtain a deeper understanding of the internal workings of the organization by emphasizing on certain settings in product development, management, and other related areas. Implementing such focused training and evaluation techniques aids in discovering attainable strengths and shortcomings in particular departments, thereby promoting the organization’s growth and success. (Wilson 2005)

  • Departmental problem-solving groups

They can be a useful source of information for training needs at the departmental level. They can provide information on two levels:

  1. They will be searching for solutions to departmental problems. Some of these solutions will have training needs.
  2. These teams can be directed specifically towards training and people-related issues to identify needs.

Teams from the organization may already be skilled in a certain approach to problem-solving. These include SWOT analysis, force field analysis, fishbone diagrams, Pareto analysis, and other frequently used problem-solving techniques. The training specialist’s job in this situation is to coordinate and integrate various departmental demands in order to identify and address any emerging common needs. (Wilson 2005)

     2. Needs at occupational level

The knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to carry out particular work activities are represented as training needs. Typically, the job analysis approach serves to define them. Kandola and Pear talked about 18 different job analysis techniques. But job analysis is a thorough method. It takes time to conduct a thorough study of one-off projects. Gael discusses more than 40 different methods for job analysis, and these methods can be viewed as the core of all human resource administration and management operations required for firms to operate successfully. Wellens emphasized that job analysis operates best at the bottom of the organization to identify training requirements. Wilson presents a debate over either a macro or micro perspective on job analysis is more advantageous. However, job analysis is still a very effective method for determining the knowledge and abilities needed at the professional or job level. (Wilson 2005)

     3. Needs at individual level

Future organizational progress depends on each employee’s personal growth. Bennis laments the fact that the educational system is more effective at training than at educating. Because we want our dogs to obey us, training is beneficial for them. It causes people to concentrate on the bottom line. The company looks for any gaps in the information, abilities, and attitudes needed for a person to accomplish his or her job. The performance gap between the targeted level and the existing level is known as the training gap. The company culture and training policies influence the level of development activities. (Wilson 2005)


On the job training method

Pocztowski (Ukasik 2017, 101) lists mentoring, coaching, job rotation, apprenticeship, on-the-job training, and mentorship with a supervisor as on-the-job training approach. People are given workplace accommodations when they are working at the same locations. Jobs transfers, employment rotations, coaching, and mentoring opportunities. Job rotation and transfers put the emphasis on moving people from one responsibility to another or from one country to another so they can learn about other activities. Coaching and mentoring put an emphasis on creating job-specific skills and performance standards at work, in addition to establishing relationships that benefit both people involved. (Nassazi, 2013).

Off the job traning method 

Off-the-job training techniques entail removing people from their jobs so they can concentrate on training. symposia on scenarios and role-playing (Nasasi, 2013). Twumasi cited computer-based approaches, lectures, games, and simulations as jobless methods in his article. Presentations to a group of individuals covering different or associated subjects are part of conferences; nevertheless, this may not guarantee complete understanding of the issues. (Nasasi, 2013).


Training will help the company through its personnel once it is widely acknowledged as a sound business investment. Training obtained while working increased creativity and tacit knowledge. (Barber, 2004). Even if the investment ultimately benefits the firm, people prefer working for organizations that are ready to invest in them. (Wilson, 2000). Employee performance was improved and raised as a result of training’s effects on behaviour and work abilities (Kraiger 2002), which led to additional innovative modifications. (Satterfield and Hughes 2007). According to definitions, the main factor influencing an organization’s effectiveness is training. (Schuler and MacMillan 1984). Offering employees chances to advance their skills is one trait that several businesses have discovered contributes to employee retention. (Logan 2000). As a result, it has been determined that employee training and staff retention have a strong link. (Rosenwald 2000). According to Wanger’s (2000) research, the American Training Association discovered a link between funding for staff development programs and higher stock market returns. Training can improve strategic knowledge, which is defined as knowing when to use a certain knowledge or ability, in addition to declarative information or procedural knowledge. (Kozlowski et al. 2001, Kraiger et al. 1993). Training initiatives raise the quality of the labor force, which is one of the key factors in the growth of the national economy. (Becker 1962, 1964). In 2002, Van Leeuwen and Van Praag calculated the expenses of employment training and the effects of that training on macroeconomic variables at the national level. According to a study by Falola (Falola et al. 2014), there is a significant link between employee performance, training, and competitive advantage.


Organizations give this a lot of thought. It is clear that training and development now play a bigger part in guaranteeing higher business efficiency and an organization’s competitiveness in today’s dynamic and complex business climate. The idea of training is explained and described in this article. The benefits of having a strong training and development program for both an organization and its staff are explained. There was also discussion of several development strategies that firms might utilize to aid employees in acquiring and attaining the highest possible level of skills, competencies, and abilities. This discussion makes the argument that in order to maximize employee performance for the benefit of all organizational stakeholders, modern firms must make sure their training and development initiatives are comprehensive and successful.



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