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Kirjoittanut: Duong Minh Hang Ho - tiimistä Satku.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

Atomic Habits
Jame Clear
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 5 minuuttia.

Duong Minh Hang Ho 

Jayasekara Athapaththu Arachchilage Chathurani Deepthika Jayasekara 



In the previous article, we introduced the book ‘Atomic Habits’ and discussed how changing habits can lead to unexpected results. Still brimming with excitement from the insights gleaned from this book, we delved deeper into how ‘Atomic Habits’ can not only support success on a personal development journey but also on our entrepreneurial journey. We believe that, by following the advice in the book, as entrepreneurs we can learn to stay focused, stay positive, and continue to improve even when things get tough. This helps us overcome obstacles, make the most of opportunities, and achieve our goals. So, by using ideas from ‘Atomic Habits,’ entrepreneurs can run their businesses better and turn their dreams into reality. 


Below are principles that we believe can be applied to our own entrepreneurial journeys, enabling us to leverage the power of habit to drive meaningful progress and achieve our business goals: 


          1. Focus on Small Changes and Continuous Improvement

Rather than trying to change our entire business in one go, focus on making small, incremental improvements. Over time, these small changes can add up to deliver significant results.  

For instance, let’s consider a bakery owner who wants to improve his signature cake recipe. Instead of completely redesigning the recipe, he might experiment with small adjustments to ingredients or baking techniques. Each iteration allows him to learn and refine his approach, ultimately leading to a tastier final product. Another example, our group has discussed team-building activities for the entire team on numerous occasions. However, thus far, a clear, comprehensive, and professional plan for these activities has not been established. Nonetheless, through the collective efforts of team leaders and members, we have engaged in various activities such as the rose challenge, the phone call challenge, Finnish language lessons, and morning walks in Tampere. These small, continuous improvements have facilitated better understanding among team members, strengthened connections, and gradually solidified the team’s core values. 


          2. Habit Stacking

A powerful strategy for entrepreneurs to enhance productivity and efficiency. It involves integrating new habits into daily routines by stacking them onto existing ones. By linking new habits to established ones, we increase the likelihood of consistency and success. 

For example, if an entrepreneur wants to cultivate the habit of reading industry news, they could incorporate it into their morning routine by reading during breakfast or while commuting to work. By linking this new habit to an existing routine, such as eating breakfast or commuting, they increase the likelihood of consistency and success. Similarly, entrepreneurs can stack habits related to health and well-being, such as exercise or meditation, onto existing routines like waking up or winding down for the day. This allows them to maintain a healthy lifestyle without disrupting their workflow. 

By strategically stacking habits, entrepreneurs can optimize their daily routines, save time, and maximize productivity. This approach fosters consistency and helps them stay focused on their goals, ultimately leading to greater success in their entrepreneurial endeavors. 


          3. Optimizing Working Environment

Craft an environment that supports our entrepreneurial aspirations by surrounding ourself with motivated individuals, establishing a workspace devoid of distractions, and leveraging productivity tools and technology. We discussed the following ways: 

                    3.1. Creating a Great Work Environment:  

Entrepreneurs can create a clever work culture using Clear’s ideas. They can do this by being clear about what they expect from their team, giving helpful feedback, and celebrating successes. This makes a workplace where everyone wants to do their best. It helps the business grow by encouraging innovative ideas, teamwork, and overall success.  

For example, during Myko’s work at Khoi Nguyen Education Group in Vietnam, Canada Vietnam Kindergarten regularly organized various large-scale events throughout the year, including opening and closing ceremonies, carnivals, Teacher’s Day celebrations, as well as Christmas and New Year’s festivities, etc. When it’s time to start a new project, a leadership team begins by clearly communicating responsibilities to everyone and empowering individuals who can serve as small team leaders. They communicate very clearly and in detail the project ideas to all team members, such as the total project budget, identifying expected goals, relevant personnel, and setting implementation dates for the present project. Throughout the project, leaders consistently supported team members in their development by providing guidance, recognizing their achievements, and fostering a positive work environment, such as through inviting them to milk-tea break, cakes, …Ultimately, our entire team celebrated when the project was successfully completed as planned. By implementing these strategies, everyone in the group was motivated to perform at their best. This collaborative effort not only fosters effective teamwork but also stimulates the generation of innovative ideas, contributing to the growth and success of businesses 

                    3.2. Creating a Productive Workspace: From our experience, we understand that the work environment significantly affects our productivity and habits. This is important to entrepreneurs trying to cultivate productive work habits. They can take proactive steps like organizing their workspace for optimal functionality, keeping their desk tidy, and using tech tools like desktop distraction-blocking apps for computer and phone to maintain focus. Additionally, surrounding themselves with supportive individuals, such as fellow entrepreneurs or mentors, can provide valuable guidance and encouragement. By making these changes in their surroundings, entrepreneurs can create an environment that is conducive to daily productivity and success in their work. 


          4. Identification – Tracking – Adjustment 

Instead of solely focusing on goals, concentrate on cultivating the identity of a successful entrepreneur. Ask ourselves, “What would a successful entrepreneur do in this situation?” and align our actions with that identity. By viewing ourselves as an entrepreneur who embodies certain values and behaviors, we will naturally gravitate towards actions that support our entrepreneurial journey. 

Additionally, regularly review our business habits and practices to identify areas that need improvement. Track our progress, measure the effectiveness of our strategies, and be ready to adapt when necessary. By staying flexible and responding quickly to changing circumstances, we can better position ourselves to overcome challenges and seize new opportunities.  

This dual approach, focusing on identification and continuous monitoring and adjustment, allows entrepreneurs to make steady progress toward their goals while remaining adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges 


          5. Adapting to Change 

Our life is always changing around us, modern technology, latest trends, new ways of doing things. It is the same for people starting their own businesses. They must be ready to adapt to these changes if they want to succeed. James Clear’s ideas about forming good habits can really help with this. It is like having a toolkit for dealing with change. When entrepreneurs learn how to stick to good habits, like setting goals or staying organized, it makes it easier for them to handle whatever comes their way. For example, think about someone learning to ride a bike. At first, they might fall a lot, but they keep trying and learning from their mistakes until they can ride smoothly. It is the same for entrepreneurs. By being open to trying new things, learning from failures, and always looking for ways to improve, they can develop habits that help them roll with the punches and keep moving forward, no matter what changes come their way. This way, they can stay ahead in their business and keep growing, even when things get tough. 



“Atomic Habits” has proven to be invaluable in our journey as entrepreneur students, illuminating the path to personal and professional growth by demonstrating that even small habit adjustments can yield significant transformations. 

As we reflect on our experiences with “Atomic Habits,” we realize that it has empowered us to take ownership of our habits, cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, and embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth. Moreover, its comprehensive approach reshapes our mindset and equips us with the knowledge to navigate entrepreneurship confidently.  

Moving forward, we are committed to integrating its principles into our daily lives, recognizing that every small improvement counts towards our success. “Atomic Habits” serves as a constant reminder that our actions have the power to shape our destiny in entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of making small improvements that can accumulate over time. With its practical advice and accessible language, “Atomic Habits” acts as a secret weapon for us, shaping habits that will pave the way for future success in our entrepreneurial endeavors. 

In my journey towards peace, freedom, and happiness, I'm driven by the joy of spreading these values to those around me. Every day, I strive to exceed my previous accomplishments by just 1%. When faced with challenges, I choose to see the bright side, recognizing the strengths of every individual I encounter. Embracing diversity, I firmly believe that our differences are what make our world truly beautiful.

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