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Blogiessee: Motorola feedback tool

Kirjoittanut: Jaakko Koljonen - tiimistä Kajo.

Esseen tyyppi: / esseepistettä.

Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on < 1 minuutti.

Julkaistaan Academic Adveturesin blogissa.


Motorola (Toivonen, H. 2014. Friend Leadership – A Visual Inspiration Book. Pellervo) is a feedback tool that is very commonly used in Proakatemia. The Motorola questions used in Proakatemia are the following:

  1. What was good?
  2. What could be improved?
  3. What did I learn?
  4. What will be taken into practice?


Motorola changed a bit from its original form, that was used in the American company, Motorola. The tool was good in Motorolas project reports. In Proakatemia, the tool is used literally everywhere. It’s used after training sessions, after projects, after presentations, even before projects. (Theories and experiences on team learning, Proakatemia Academic Adventures)


I like the Motorola feedback tool because of it’s simple, but effective, questions. Because they are easy, it can be used at any situation. I rank feedback among the most important things in life, so it’s only natural that I want get feedback during my studies in Proakatemia. I also want (and like to) to give feedback. It plays a key role in one’s improvement both as a teampreneur and as a human-being. You need feedback from others in order to improve. Motorola again offers an effective tool for that.


In Academic Adventures participants will experience Motorola being used in practice. The feedback tool will be explained and taught. Using it yourself, you will also understand it’s effectiveness. It allows you to summarize your thoughts and experiences, and communicate them clearly and in a way that se recipient can improve his/hers skills.


See you in Academic Adventures 20.-24.5.2019!



Theories and experiences on team learning, Proakatemia Academic Adventures, Hanna Saraketo & Timo Nevalainen, 2017,



Toivonen, H. 2014. Friend Leadership – A Visual Inspiration Book. Pellervo
