02 May, Thursday
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Kirjoittanut: Markus Tervo - tiimistä Samoa.

Esseen tyyppi: Blogiessee / 1 esseepistettä.

The 6 Types of Working Genius
Patrick Lencioni
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 2 minuuttia.

Kuuntelin Patrick Lencionin puhetta Nordic Business Forumissa, ja halusin tehdä lyhyen tiivistelmän hänen sanoistaan. Lencionin mukaan on olemassa kuutta eri ratasta ja nerokkuutta, joita tiimissä voi olla. Hän kutsuu näitä nimellä “working genius”. Tein tiivistelmän englanniksi, koska huomaatte varmasti aikaisemman käännöksen kankeuden… Näiden ratasten hahmottamisella on varmasti arvoa tulevaisuuden tiimien rakentamisessa.


Suosittelen jokaiselle Patrickin luomaa testiä yksilölle eri rattaista, hintaa tälle löytyy 25usd.



  1. The Genius of Discernment

Discerners are skilled decision-makers. They possess the ability to quickly analyze options, evaluate information, and make sound decisions. Their knack for discernment is crucial in steering the team away from potential pitfalls and guiding the decision-making process effectively.


  1. The Genius of Wonder

Wonders bring creativity and inspiration to the team. They thrive on generating new ideas and perspectives, injecting a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm into the group. Wonders contribute to a positive team atmosphere and stimulate creative thinking.


  1. The Genius of Invention

Inventors are visionaries who excel at seeing future possibilities and crafting strategies to achieve them. Their ability to think ahead and innovate is essential for the team to set long-term goals and develop strategic plans.


  1. The Genius of Galvanizing

Galvanizers are motivational leaders within the team. They have the skill to inspire and rally others to take action, fostering a sense of purpose and commitment. Galvanizers play a key role in maintaining the team’s focus and driving members toward common objectives.


  1. The Genius of Enablement

Enablers are adept at building relationships and facilitating collaboration within the team. They are the team players who excel in creating connections and ensuring that everyone works together seamlessly. Enablers contribute to a cooperative and harmonious team environment.


  1. The Genius of Tenacity

Tenacious individuals are characterized by their persistence and resilience. They are committed to seeing tasks through to completion and ensuring that projects reach tangible results. Tenacity is crucial for overcoming challenges and driving the team towards successful outcomes.



Patrick Lencioni


