01 May, Wednesday
16° C

The library of essays of Proakatemia

The importance of Community

Kirjoittanut: Yann Moser - tiimistä Exchange.

Esseen tyyppi: Blogiessee / 1 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on < 1 minuutti.
You’ve probably already heard of the customer experience, but now we’re also talking about the employee experience. A concept that relies on people and community spirit. The employee experience and the creation of a work community are becoming more and more attractive to companies.
Let’s see why and how this internal trend is growing and how important it is in the Proakatemia universe. A community can take many forms: depending on interests, assets, etc. But a working community, within Proakatemia, is more than just sharing workspaces. Here, everyone is free to be themselves. As a team, we constantly give each other feedback to build each other up, not to destroy each other. The goal is not to pull each other’s legs, but to help each other move forward as a team or individually in our projects.
As a Swiss teampreneur, on exchange for 6 months at Proakatemia, I can assure you that the community spirit also includes the well-being in premises that promote work, professionalism but also exchange and sharing.
Although unlike my training in Switzerland, where we must be 3 members of the program to launch a project, personal development is emphasized with the possibility of direct exchange with other teampreneurs on a concrete case. This is often shown to be more effective than a theoretical training to acquire new knowledge and skills. I will conclude with the added value of the cultural mix within Proakatemia, as a temapreneur coming from another country, another culture, I learn and develop every day by exchanging on the differences in the way of working and proceeding in teams or projects.
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