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The library of essays of Proakatemia


Kirjoittanut: Carlos Gómez Leo - tiimistä Avanteam.

Esseen tyyppi: Blogiessee / 1 esseepistettä.

Make your bed - little things that can change your life and maybe the world
Admiral William H. McRaven
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.
Make your bed.
Hola mi gente! During my first month in Proakatemia I decided to read a best seller book written by Admiral William H.McRaven (U.S. Navy Retired) in April of 2017 called Make your bed –little things that can change your life and maybe the world, sinceI decided to adopt a different type of lifestyle during my studies in entrepreneurship and the best way of doing it was to get some great motivation and understanding about time management and embracing change rather than being inflexible. I decided to download a free PDF version to my phone and read It every time I took the bus from home or to home. (Great technique if you plan on reading a book in less than one week). I would define this book more like a self-development book since it doesn’t have that much content on time management as I expected to have. In this book the author explains thoroughly 10 lessons learned from his own perspective of life experiences within the Basic Navy SEAL training. Doing comparisons, explaining how the different dynamics of SEAL training exercises affect the vision from the people taking part of them and the purpose behind them in which a life meaning appears for the reader to apply in a quotidian average citizen life. The life examples vary considering soldiers, army officials, fellow mates etc.It is important to mention that as exposed in the book Basic Navy SEAL training main purpose is to remove the non-suitable applicants and encourage the ones remaining in order to find the true leaders capable of completing life threatening official missions. The ten topics risen are –start off by making your bed, find someone to help you paddle, measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their flippers, get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward, don’t be afraid of the Circuses, sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle headfirst, don’t back down from the sharks, you must be your very best in the darkest moment, start singing when you’re up to your neck in mud, don’t ever, ever ring the bell. (McRaven, 2017)Out of the ten different topics I found valuable points of view to put in practice, some more suitable to my vision of life and some others with a smaller personal sense of importance.
Good points are given in each chapter but it’s crucial to have a critical approach at all times, multiple learnings through every paragraph have been put into practice such as completing the first task of the day which would encourage to complete more in the day as well as reassuring the importance on little things and the progress towards bigger and more important tasks. Start with the basics. What I found quite useful was the ability of the writer to make his point with various stories as in the sugar cookie situation meaning life is not fair and the sooner you make your peace with it the sooner you can move forward. With this in mind challenges will come your way in this life time that’s a fact; the Circus which includes pain all along due to heavy and constant mental and physical breakdown is an example on how anyone could come to this type of predicament and how the purpose is to overcome it and not fear it. Lastly, I would like mention how being your very best when the situation turns the most difficult is one main sentence I can relate in this book personally. From time to time I doubted how well prepared I was for certain jobs, studies, exams, life decisions etc. And how no matter what situation I encounter myself I need to remember I’ve been preparing my whole life for this moment and that the sum of every experience I’ve had since I exist lead to this precise moment. Always trust your capabilities and never underestimate what you can do. I exhort the reader to give this self-development a chance. Great stories, good basic learning with a short script on a friendly base English vocabulary. Carlos Esteban Gómez Leo,
McRaven, W. H. (2017). Make your bed -Little things that can change your life …and maybe the world.New York , Boston: Grand Central Publishing.
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