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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Thinking And Risk Taking As a Entrepreneur

Kirjoittanut: Rajdeep Brar - tiimistä Sointu.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 6 minuuttia.


In the fast-moving world of startups, knowing how to make good decisions is very important for success. This essay looks at ideas from the book “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman. He talks about two ways our brains work: System 1 is fast and instinctive, while System 2 is slow and thoughtful. These systems affect how we make decisions, from creating new products to deciding where to spend money in the unpredictable startup world.

I am part of a diverse, international team with a lot of potential. Kahneman’s ideas are very useful for us because our team has many different ideas and backgrounds. This can make decision-making complex, but also gives us a chance to make better decisions if we understand how to use both fast and slow thinking.



In “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” Daniel Kahneman explains that our minds operate using two different systems. Understanding these can help us make better decisions in our work, especially in a startup where choices often have big consequences.

System 1: Fast Thinking

System 1 is the fast way our brain responds to situations. It works automatically and quickly, with little or no effort and no sense of voluntary control. For example, when you smile after seeing a friend or dodge a ball thrown at you, that’s System 1 in action. It’s based on our instincts and what we’ve learned so much that we can do it without thinking. This can be very useful in a startup when you need to make quick decisions, like when dealing with problems that need immediate responses or when recognizing good opportunities fast.

System 2: Slow Thinking

System 2 is the slower, more effortful, and more logical part of our brain. It comes into play when we need to focus on something tricky or when making a decision that requires careful thinking. For instance, when you’re planning a project, analyzing data, or deciding on the best strategy for market entry, you’re using System 2. This part of our thinking is essential for making thoughtful decisions that require analysis and long-term planning in a startup setting.

These systems are both useful, but they work best when they can help each other out. Fast thinking can help us react quickly, but slow thinking ensures our actions are based on solid reasoning. In a startup, where decisions often need to be made quickly but with careful thought to avoid risks, knowing when and how to use each system can lead to better outcomes.

In our international team, understanding these systems is even more important. We come from different backgrounds and might naturally lean towards using different thinking systems. By recognizing when we are using System 1 or System 2, we can better understand each other and work together more effectively.


Cognitive biases are like shortcuts our brains take that can affect our decisions and thinking. These biases often come from our instincts or experiences, and while they can help us make quick decisions, they can also lead us to make mistakes. As startup entrepreneurs, it’s crucial to understand these biases so we can make better decisions for our business.

Key Cognitive Biases in Decision-Making

Confirmation Bias: This bias happens when we pay more attention to information that confirms what we already believe and ignore information that contradicts it. For example, if an entrepreneur believes their new product will succeed, they might only notice positive feedback and ignore any criticism. This can lead to making poor decisions because they’re not considering all the evidence.

Loss Aversion: People often prefer avoiding losses more than acquiring equivalent gains. For a startup, this might mean being too scared to invest in new opportunities because they focus too much on what could go wrong instead of what they could gain.

Overconfidence Bias: This is when we are too confident about our knowledge or abilities. In a startup, this might make an entrepreneur underestimate the challenges of entering a new market or overestimate their product’s appeal.

Strategies to Mitigate These Biases

Seek Diverse Opinions: In a team with people from different places and backgrounds, you can use this diversity to challenge biases. Encourage team members to share their views and challenge assumptions. This can help balance out biases and lead to more balanced decisions.

Set Up Systems for Decision-Making: Create processes that require checking facts and analyzing different possibilities. This could involve steps like conducting market research, getting feedback from potential users, or running pilot tests before making big decisions.

Regular Review and Feedback: Make it a habit to review decisions and outcomes. This can help you see when biases might have influenced decisions and learn from these instances. Regular feedback sessions with the team can also help identify where biases are occurring and how to address them.

By understanding and managing these cognitive biases, startup teams, especially diverse ones like ours, can make smarter, more objective decisions.



Startups inherently face higher risks due to factors like limited resources, uncertain markets, and the imperative to innovate. These risks can include financial investments, product development choices, and strategies for entering new markets. While embracing risk can lead to substantial rewards, it also carries the potential for significant setbacks. Therefore, balancing instinctive, quick decisions with detailed, analytical thinking is essential for startup success.

Fast thinking, or System 1, is reflexive and helps entrepreneurs react swiftly. This type of thinking is crucial when immediate responses are necessary, such as reacting to sudden changes in the market or capitalizing on fleeting opportunities. It allows entrepreneurs to rely on gut feelings, which can be incredibly useful, especially when there’s no time for in-depth analysis or when they face familiar situations where past experiences provide a reliable guide.

On the other hand, slow thinking, or System 2, is deliberative and comes into play for decisions with far-reaching consequences. This might involve choosing business partners, making large investments, or developing a new product. Slow thinking helps in carefully considering all aspects of a decision, evaluating potential outcomes, and strategizing meticulously. This thoughtful approach to decision-making is critical in managing risks effectively, ensuring that choices are not only quick but also sound and well-reasoned.



In a multicultural team, where diverse perspectives and backgrounds bring both strength and complexity, understanding and applying the concepts of fast and slow thinking becomes especially crucial. These concepts can help streamline decision-making and improve communication, ensuring that all voices are heard and that decisions are not just quick, but also well-considered.

For example, fast thinking is beneficial during brainstorming sessions where the speed of idea generation is important. It allows team members to quickly share thoughts and reactions without overthinking, fostering a creative and spontaneous environment that can lead to innovative ideas. This type of thinking taps into the diverse instinctual knowledge and experiences of the team, often leading to unique solutions that might not emerge from a more structured analytical process.

Conversely, slow thinking should be employed when the team needs to converge on strategic decisions, such as choosing which new market to enter or finalizing a major product feature. Here, the thoughtful, deliberate pace of slow thinking allows for a deeper analysis of the options on the table. It provides the space for team members to dissect data, weigh pros and cons, and consider the long-term implications of their choices. This is particularly important in a multicultural setting, where different assumptions and expectations about business practices and consumer behavior need to be aligned.

Practical Strategies for Improving Decision-Making

One practical approach is to establish clear protocols for when and how to use each type of thinking. For instance, setting specific stages of the decision-making process where fast thinking is encouraged can help harness the creative and intuitive strengths of the team. Similarly, identifying points where decisions must be deferred for deeper analysis can prevent hasty choices that haven’t been fully thought through.

Pajas focused on recognizing one’s own cognitive biases and understanding those of others can also enhance the effectiveness of both fast and slow thinking. These training sessions can help team members identify when they are relying too heavily on instinct or, conversely, when they are getting bogged down in analysis paralysis. By understanding these dynamics, the team can better manage how they approach each decision.



The journey of integrating and balancing fast and slow thinking is ongoing and requires continual refinement and adaptation. As our company evolves and our team grows, maintaining an awareness of how we make decisions will be crucial for sustaining innovation and navigating risks effectively. By continually applying Kahneman’s theories and adapting them to our unique challenges, we can foster a culture of thoughtful innovation and strategic agility that is well-suited to the competitive and ever-changing business landscape.

In conclusion, the thoughtful application of fast and slow thinking, fitted to the needs and strengths of our team, will not only drive better decisions but also position us for greater success in the global market.

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