02 May, Thursday
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The library of essays of Proakatemia

3 things that are eating out your energy

Kirjoittanut: Sanni Salokangas - tiimistä Kaaos.

Esseen tyyppi: Blogiessee / 1 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

Oh, how easy life would be if giving and taking up habits didn’t take more than the usage of two brain cells. Unfortunately, it takes a bit more than that. If our lives consistent only of good habits that brought value and benefits, your local gym would be crowded with people with rock-hard abs and well-hydrated girls in Stairmaster with their two-gallon water bottles. You wouldn’t see John throwing out a cigarette from the balcony and hitting you in the head with it (happened to me yesterday) or Mary-Margaret giving silent treatment to Cigarette-John after a fight. Bad habits that we all have serve purpose in our lives: They give us perspective so when we do give them up and replace a bad habit with a beneficial one, we can compare and look back. How would you know eating at McDonald’s every day for a year was terrible for your energy levels if you hadn’t switched it up for a healthy, nutrient-filled diet and having energy that lasted whole day?

Habits that you have now and that don’t serve a purpose in everyday life should be modified, faded out or fully eliminated. Like said previously, the only benefit from a bad habit is the perspective it shows you when you do give it up… Below are listed three bad habits that are killing your energy and a way to replace them – or fully fade them out.


  1. Checking your phone, the first thing in the morning

This one is a silent destroyer. Do you know how powerful the first thing you think about the minute you wake up is? I will say it: It’s powerful. Your mind is a peaceful blank right after you wake up. After the alarm goes off and you dive in to all the things that happened while you were asleep: The messages, the emails, the negative news, how snatched that Instagram model’s waist is… The good momentum of your morning and a peaceful mind is gone in seconds. Seconds!

What to do instead? Instead of picking up your phone and consuming a generous amount of information the first thing in the morning, take a moment. Sit with your thoughts and start your morning without your phone. See how it effect your energy during that morning, see how much calmer and quieter it is…


  1. Your sleep routine

You surely don’t want to hear this one! Let’s take a wild guess and say that last night you stayed up a bit longer than you should have. Today you feel tired and maybe end up taking a nap. Because of the nap you took, sleeping early tonight isn’t an option. A vicious cycle begins… or continues revolving as it has for years now. Fun!

What to do instead? Getting back to the healthy sleep routine takes weeks. It’s not getting to bed early for one night and staying up the next. Only if you want to fix the routine and replace it with a better and more effective one, the right motivation is required. The reason why everyone isn’t in bed at 10pm and up at 5, is because they simply don’t see the benefit in it. When you seek for your sources of motivation and find the ‘why’, you suddenly have a reason to make it work. Maybe you’re more productive in the early hours? Or maybe you have more energy during the days when you slept for full eight hours? Find out your ‘why’ and start fixing the schedule. You just need to see the benefit behind it.


  1. Keeping energy-draining people close

Now we go from picking up your phone in the morning to cutting out people in your life. So, the most effective energy-eating monster people are also the most difficult ones to kill off. This person is someone who has a place in your life, but you find yourself avoiding their company. Maybe an old friend keeps asking you to grab coffee and you subconsciously do everything to avoid it: Leaving them on ‘delivered’ on Snapchat? Not calling them back when they reach out? Or maybe a relative keep commenting on your appearances every single time you see them, and it always makes you feel bad?

What to do instead? Cutting out a person that brings out mostly negative feelings for you is not a bad thing. Not all friendships are meant to last and not all relationships are what you need. Just because you have history with this person doesn’t mean you should have a future with them too. Next time you are spending time with an energy-eating person, see how you feel afterwards: Do you feel like they recharged your social battery, or do you feel exhausted and the need to be alone? You get your answer quite quickly by using this method.


You choose your habits, you know when something isn’t right for you, you pick the people around you, you have the power to make any decisions regarding your everyday life. What initially controls you: Your habits, ways or your mind?

Sanni Salokangas on The House of Hustlers’ Instagram. Go to post here

See my trashy blog sannisalokangas.com

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