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Blogiessee: Greetings from the team of International Relations

Kirjoittanut: Anna Vikman - tiimistä Kajo.

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Blogiessee on julkaistu 13.11.2018 sivustolla proakatemia.fi/en/blog/


Greetings from the team of International Relations,


We have decided to publish blog posts once a month about the guests that our team has hosted. We believe that it would be interesting for all of you to read, what our team has been up to every month. In our teams first blog post, Joonatan wrote a little bit about the guests we hosted in September at Proakatemia. (You can read the blogpost here: International teams first blogpost)

In this blog post we will tell you about the guests that our team has hosted in October.

In December we will write about the guests that we are hosting this month and so on.

Also, in these blog posts we are going to let you know, what we think was “the highlight of the month” regarding the visits.


In October we had the pleasure to host seven teachers from South Korea.

We showed the guests our presentation about our studies here in Proakatemia, discussed a lot about books and all the other tools of learning that we have.

In October our highlight was the amazing gift that we received from our South Korean guests.

We received this beautiful business card holder! (picture in the blog post)

We began using the business card holder immediately and stored all the business cards our team has received into it.

In November we are hosting guests for example from Lithuania and the Netherlands. We will tell you about the visits more in next month’s post!

Best regards,

