03 May, Friday
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Proakatemian esseepankki

Wings Of Academy

Kirjoittanut: Annika Viiala - tiimistä Revena.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

Wings of Academy is a podcast hosted by Team of International Relations at Proakatemia. Our podcast is an episodic series of spoken words about the most pressing subjects on international matters around the world. Episodes are for everyone to listen and they can be downloaded or listened from Anchori or Spotify (link below).

A podcast series usually features one or more recurring hosts and a guest engaged in a discussion about a particular topic. Our topics are somehow related to entrepreneurship, international projects and the importance of networking globally. Proakatemia is an academy of new knowledge and expertise where we learn about entrepreneurship in team enterprises and it is one of the biggest topics also in our podcast. Our guests have been welcomed from all around the world; entrepreneurs, Proakatemia alumni, teachers, or other professionals.

Episode 1

What is the Team of International Relations? What do we do? How does our future look like?
All this and more will be answered by not one, not two but three old and new heads of the International Relations Team of in our very first episode of our podcast series.

Episode 2

How to transition to working online? What are the ups and downs of working remotely?
How does remote working affect a team? Guests are from TAMK y-campus and teampreneur from Proakatemia.

Episode 3

What are the cultural differences between Finland and Czech Republic? Can an entrepreneur in Czech Republic get aid money in the beginning? What does it take to create connections? Can we talk about money? Guest is a student from Czech Republic.

Episode 4

What’s the importance of making Proakatemia international? What are we doing to achieve this goal? What’s the relation between TAMK Global Education and Proakatemia? In this episode those questions will be answered through a good conversation with a TAMK former student and now employee.

Episode 5

Remember your time is your most valuable asset so in order to learn how to use it wisely, listen to this episode when our guest Jonne comes to share his expertise on building an international online business. How to build & run an International Online Business? How important is teamwork when building an online business?

Episode 6

Have you ever wondered… What are the responsibilities and the role of a team coach at Proakatemia?
What kind of difficulties are the coaches facing? What kind of tools there is for a coach or a team? Should the coach be your friend or the authority? What are the purpose and benefits of International Relations, Marketing and Data Teams? Guest for this episode is one of the coaches at Proakatemia.

Episode 7

In this episode we reached above the clouds to find out what kind of an effect has Covid-19 had on the job of a flight attendant. Our Guest, Heidi tells us about being in room lockdown for 24 hours when on a layover, what has changed in the aircraft and what kind of feelings she has had while at work when so many others are staying at home.

Episode 8

From a flight attendant to unemployed and then…. What? A French/Finnish gentleman Mikael shares his story of how the covid-19 changed his career path from a flight attendant to something else. You get to hear an interesting life story of someone who has moved around the world, get some studying advice and also hear how things can change completely. How is the Finnish working culture different from British? What happened in the Finnish army? Is there a difference between being a flight attendant and being a security guard?

Episode 9

Getting together with the Swiss Team Academy. In this episode our host chats with a few students from the Swiss Team Academy about their school year, how they feel about working internationally, and some cultural differences. After spending a week collaborating with team Flip from Proakatemia, they also discuss how it went and what they learned.

Episode 10
In this episode we were excited to welcome Professor from Aston University in the UK! Listen in to hear her thoughts and experiences on the Global Business Challenge project she has started, and what the future will look like for the project. Our host was able to participate in the GBC last fall and also shares her perspective as a student involved in the project!

This episode is sponsored by Belbin in London. They provided all global business challenge participants with their team role reports and can do the same for you – contact them at belbin.com. It is also one of the most valuable tool that we use for team learning at Proakatemia.


People are motivated to create a podcast for a number of reasons. Our biggest motivation was to create a permanent and continuous platform for an international team at Proakatemia. In addition to that we wanted to increase professional visibility, enter into a social network as a team of international relations and to welcome professional guests to out series to motivate the others to achieve everyone´s goals.


We hope you enjoy the Wings of Academy podcast serie. All the episodes are for everyone to listen in the link below.
