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Proakatemian esseepankki

Think like a monk

Kirjoittanut: Gustav Perttilä - tiimistä Ei tiimiä.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

Think like a monk
jay shetty
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 2 minuuttia.

This book’s “Think like a monk” target audience is every single person on this earth. The reason for this is because everyone of us wants to be happy, this book gives you steps towards achieving exactly that.



What I would like my reader to feel, while and after reading this text is, inspiration, ahaa moment, and that they learned something new. I would like as well that my reader understands themselves a bit more and how they can implement the writings into their own life.


Here’s some of the topics this books covers: inner growth, spirituality, happiness, discovering yourself, peace and purpose, kindness, humanity, forgiveness, meditation, visualization, love, warmth, braveness, ego, letting go, self-development.


One of the idealogies that had stuck in my mind ever since I read it was: We wish the very best to the people that we love, this means that at least very deep down inside of each and every one of us, we have love for ourselves, we would not wish the best for ourselves othervise. Having this thought tucked alongside ourselves throughout our lives, will benefit not just ourselves but also the people closest to us.


The objective of this book is to train your mind for peace and purpose every day. From meditation practices to thought pattern thinking. What intrigued me to read this book initially was to expand and discover the potential of the human mind. At least to scratch it with this act of reading the book.


Thinking like a monk does not mean that you must be bald, wear a robe or meditate the entire day. It’s more of a mindset. Mindset of calmness, acceptance, curiousness, love, and compassion. These things are a part of who we are as persons and human beings. Every time we consciously think about our actions or the interaction, we had just a moment ago, we meditate and mold future behavior. With this said, if you feel that you’re too busy to meditate, you’re not. There’s no need to take a separate 30min time for meditation but at least trying to consciously think about our present feelings, actions, and overall being. That is meditation at its core.


In the book “the art of happiness” by Dalai Lama, there’s a quote “Vires acquirit eunda” which translates from Latin into “We gather strength as we go”. We can view this saying in comparison to the conscious mediation which we can choose to practice throughout the day. Even when we fail to practice these mediations, we can remember the saying “Vires acquirit eunda”, we gather strength as we go. By doing this, we are rehearsing mercifulness for ourselves and thus are meditating. The way I understand the Latin saying’s meaning is: don’t stop



  • Finishing off, I believe that finding your why, your meaning, is the most important part of having a shot at happiness. Your why can be to take care and provide to your family to the best of your abilities.