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Surrounded by idiots

Kirjoittanut: Teresa Ikonen - tiimistä Hurma.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

Surrounded by Idiots – The Four Types of Human Behavior
Thomas Erikson
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 5 minuuttia.


A central research question is how to understand the behavior of others and themselves.

In 1992, Sune Gellberg, the founder of IPU (Institutet för Personlig Utveckling) and Thomas Erikson, consultant, behavioral lecturer, lecturer and author, have studied a behavioral analysis tool that shares the same features for analyzing Hippocrates ‘temperament types and the Aztecs’ natural elements analysis. (Erikson 2019, chapter 18.)

The topic has been researched because in 1992 only few people understood the benefits of understanding and developing the behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations. (Erikson 2019, chapter 1.)

This research form is constantly being updated to keep it current.




Thomas Erickson began studying how to approach difficult people. He studied why one talks constantly and the other hardly ever, why one lies and the other talks truth and most importantly, why he liked other people more than others. (Erikson 2019, chapter 0.)

The book is partly based on IPU materials.



Behavioral analysis

Individual behavior is influenced by values, attitudes, basic behavior, applied behavior and environment. The value base of an individual cannot be changed, it has been formed through education. Attitudes can change with different experiences. The basic behavior model consists of values and attitudes. Basic behavior is what one would most like to be. However, other people often see custom behaviors where people make interpretations of situations and choose how to behave based on them. People can have a different mask at home, at work, and with friends. (Erikson 2019, chapter 3.)

There are four patterns of behavior, named in different colors, red, yellow, green and blue. Statistically, only 5% represents one color. about 80% represent two colors and the remaining 15% represent three colors. (Erikson 2019, chapter 8.)


Red behavior profile

The red person is dynamic and quick, sets goals that others find impossible, always strives for and believes in his own invincibility. Red behavior is characterized by goal-orientation and outward orientation. The red person enjoys challenges, makes quick decisions, speaks straight and takes risks. Red people seek leadership and enjoy competition. They have a loud voice, they are the first to answer the questions. Inactive time is a waste of time, and the red person cannot stand still. An uninteresting or irrelevant task does not get the attention of the red person. The red person disregards the opinions of others because he exists for himself and for others. A person with a red trait takes things boldly and quickly. In the eyes of others, the red person may seem controversial, rude, selfish and commanding. (Erikson 2019, chapter 4.)


Yellow behavior profile

The yellow behavior is optimistic, enthusiastic and life-positive. Life is a celebration and the yellow person takes away everything from life. When something gets boring, the yellow person moves on to the more interesting thing. He talks a lot and answers questions even if no one has asked anything. Yellow people make quick decisions based on what they felt was right, without any proper thought behind the decision. People with yellow behaviors are strongly emotional people. Yellow people make new contacts, they are outward-looking and full of energy. Yellow people are curious, they want to be involved and go to any party that is on offer. Yellow people are quick-witted and come up with solutions to difficult situations in unexpected places. Yellow people are good speakers because they speak visually and use a variety of body language. Yellow people know a lot of people, and they don’t have to know the person very deeply to call them a friend. Yellow people may look to others as selfish, shallow, over-talking and poor listeners, as well as having a poor concentration and a chilling attitude. (Erikson 2019, chapter 5.)

Green behavior profile

Individuals with a green behavior are more balanced than other colors and do not differ as much as others. The green person is remarkably tolerant of the special qualities of other colors. The green person invests in lifelong relationships, and he or she will never forget your birthdays or envy your success. Green behavior does not require too much and does not argue unnecessarily. The green person is the epitome of kindness, because you can always count on him for help when you need it. Green people are good listeners, and they are always more interested in something other than themselves and genuinely want to listen. The green person lives in the present, and changes can be difficult if they are not given enough time and justification. The green person will not grab the first task or request for help, but if no one else takes the task, the green person will do it. He does not want to leave anyone in trouble and often does more than he would have the resources to do. If the green person promises to do something, you can count on him to do it. Green people are smart with people and they want to make others pleased and happy. Pleasing others is an important incentive for the green person. They are also skilled team players, the team always comes before the individual. The green person pushes their own needs aside to make sure the team gets what they need. The green person will pay attention to everything around him and will not demand anything for himself. Green people may, in the eyes of others, appear to be fearful, anti-change, stubborn and peaceful. (Erikson 2019, chapter 6.)

Blue behavior profile

Blue behavior is systematic, pessimistic, observant, analytical and judgmental. The blue person is a realist, he sees mistakes and risks. The blue person is really aware of the facts and can always justify his case. The blue person does not need to show off his skills to others and does not necessarily speak out loud without asking. Details are everything to a blue person, and he sits awake all night to get the details of his job in the right place if he has to. The blue person wants to consider their decision carefully and find out all the necessary information before making the decision. Blue people are safety-minded and cautious, mistakes are not to be made, and quality is important. The blue person thinks that the task must be done well. If it is not worth doing well, it is not worth doing at all. At the time of the decision, the blue person relies on rational considerations. The blue person can follow instructions and repeat the same task infinitely many times. The blue person cannot be fooled because he checks everything extremely carefully. Blue people are extremely introverted. Blue individuals may look defensive, perfectionist, petty, pessimistic and cold in the eyes of others. (Erikson 2019, chapter 7.)




Communication between people cannot be perfectly described because humanity is complex. However, it is easier to communicate if you understand the basics of communication between people. Behavior is a combination of heredity and circumstance. (Erikson 2019, chapter 3.)

In order to get the results you want with people, you need to treat them the way they are. So treat a blue person like a blue person, a yellow person like a yellow person, a green person like a green person and a red person like a red person. It may be difficult to adopt a different color behavior, but it is possible to learn it. (Erikson 2019, chapter 8.)




Erikson, T. 2019. Surrounded by Idiots – The Four Types of Human Behavior. Ebook. BookBeat. Published 30.7.2019. Listened 16.10.2019.
