17 May, Friday
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Proakatemian esseepankki

Fun is the way to go

Kirjoittanut: Helena Tahlo - tiimistä Kipinä.

Esseen tyyppi: Akateeminen essee / 3 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.



What is the first thought that comes to your mind from the word fun? For me, my childhood, all the games and the sleepovers with my friends. Summer, in the lake swimming, running barefoot on the grass. But right now, I’m an adult, so how do adults have fun? Is it even desirable as an adult to have fun or is it wrong?


I say no. Fun is for everyone and for all ages. People seem to take themselves too seriously nowadays and won’t let their playfulness rise, because they think it is inappropriate. But that is just an awful way to think, sense we still try so hard to find happiness in life by reading self-help books and doing yoga and meditations. What would happen if we could just let go of that thought and dive into the roots of happiness which is having fun.


Having Fun


To achieve those fun moments Catherine Price gives us ways to let our thoughts fly away and enable us to have more fun. Price states in her Ted talk that the secret of feeling alive is more fun. And that is a thing to reach for, by thinking that fun is not necessarily a specific activity but a feeling that radiates joy in your body. Price says that whenever she asks people to tell her about the most fun moment in their life it always involves other people. And that goes for introverts as well. She says that fun concludes from three things playfulness, connection, and flow. Connection meaning other people, playfulness meaning joy and happiness, and flow meaning forgetting everything else and being present. (Price 2022)



Long-term happiness comes from fun


Price states that the secret to long-term happiness is to have more fun in everyday life. So how do we do that? Firstly, by reducing distraction, we are so competent in being on our phones and avoiding real interaction in real-life, but that is exactly what to avoid. Human interactions create more moments to be present and connected with others which increases the chances of having fun moments. Rebelling is also a way to go, not in the sense of James Dean, but more in everyday life society rebelling. Price gives an example of three moms who on a Friday morning decided not to go to work but to grab a flask and ditch their childcare responsibilities and go on a morning show in the movies to see Bad Moms. And for the last piece of advice, Price says to prioritize fun. (Price 2022) How do you prioritize fun? If you know you always have one with a specific person, be sure to make time to spend with them. Or if you always have fun doing a specific activity, try doing it more often. These are the ways to feel more alive.



Katarina Blom has made a ted talk on the subject of happiness and as well as Price she contributes to the idea that happiness concludes from meaning and connection. Blom emphasizes that happiness is not based on positive thinking but on positive actions.  Our minds are automated to focus on the one negative thing in a sea of positives (Blom 2019). Therefore, we should focus more on doing than thinking. Blom states that happiness is a skill and for you to be skillful in something you need to make the practice a habit. Connections we make become relationships and time has shown that they are what brings us happiness. Not the amount of them but the quality. (Blom 2019) There for as what Catherina Price advised, find the people that make you happy and make time to see them and have fun. (Price 2022)




Price, K. 2022. Why Having Fun Is the Secret to a Healthier Life. Ted Talk.



Blom, K. 2019. You Don’t Find Happiness, You Create It. Ted Talk.

