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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Where is AI now?

Kirjoittanut: Marcos Homar Heinonen - tiimistä SYNTRE.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

Where are industries heading with the evolution of AI? What is the next step for AI? What is the newest AI tool available? These and other questions are going to be discussed in this essay to learn more and keep us up to time. What does AI look like as of March 2024?

What is the next step for AI?

AI tools are emerging like mushrooms in the rain. Many companies are developing new AI tools that are all the time more and more complex than the ones developed before. Some experts have said to believe that the next big step for AI is its development in social intelligence. The development of social intelligence would help AI to interact with humans. The easier it is for humans to interact with AI by speaking, showing, writing, and other ways the more integrated it will be to the society. The easiness of use is an important aspect of new apps in the market. These apps all have clean interfaces with easy-to-understand symbols for different functions and they are designed for you to spend the most amount of time in them. That’s why AI should in some way be able to captivate people to use these services for long periods at once. The clearer a chatbot’s answers are based on the person asking them, the more captivating it is for the user to spend more time using the service.

Increase of tempo. Everything will be faster. Businesses, governments, nonprofits, and more will implement AI on some level. They will be able to make decisions much quicker. Services requiring customer service will be fast which will make people feel that everything goes fast and effortlessly. Large amounts of customers can be dealt with at the same time with immediate responses.

Privacy concerns are something not so nice that comes with the development of AI. It is increasingly easier to access people’s data with these AI-powered tools. It will become a battle between data protection technologies and data gathering software.

AI regulations. The popularization of AI use will force governments to make laws for its use. The European Union is expected to launch its AI regulations within the next 6 to 12 business quarters from now January 2024.

Which industries AI will have the most impact in?

Education: All the levels of education will most probably be affected by AI. Educational content and training could be tailored to each student by their specific needs. Individual learning styles could also be implemented for every individual. Also, the right ways of AI usage in studies will most probably be a subject in school. The correct usage of these powerful tools is in my opinion more important than banning them totally as their usage will be relevant in the working life after the studies.

Healthcare: Doctors and physicians could use AI in the future to help with a diagnosis. The precision of diagnosis would increase in society. However, the delicate nature of patient information and the difficulty in understanding the regulations that safeguard it are also likely to result in an even more complex legal landscape for medicine and higher operating expenses.

Law: Small to medium-sized companies are at risk of falling as small teams of one to three people using AI tools can do the work of what would have taken a group of ten to twenty lawyers in the past. They would also do it quicker and more cost-efficiently. If AI research keeps at its current pace, as it has in the previous several years, there may be a 25% or more reduction in the number of human lawyers in the United States by 2028.

Transportation: Autonomous vehicles are already a thing but they will be more common in the future. Both commercial and private sectors will have autonomous vehicles in the not-so-far future. This will increase road safety and on-time arrival by the fluency of traffic.

The latest and greatest in AI

The newest AI tool from OpenAI is named Sora. Sora has revolutionized the world once again showing what AI can do nowadays.  Sora creates creative and imaginative scenes from text input. It has an incremental leap forward on video from text AI technology based on the few examples we have gotten from OpenAI. A year ago, these AI-generated videos could be detected to be done by AI as they were ridiculous looking. Sora-made videos are on a whole new level and could go threw to most viewers as real. The common giveaway thing in them is usually that people have too many fingers on their hands, or their eyes move unnaturally. Animals are more realistic, and their movement matches real life more accurately. This is the worst a tool like this will ever be from here on so let´s see how realistic things can go in the upcoming years.




The New Stack, Social Intelligence Is the Next Big Step for AI, Kimberley Mok, 2023

TechTarget, The future of AI: What to expect in the next 5 years, Michael Bennett, 2024

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