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The library of essays of Proakatemia

What is Filter bubble and how does it shape Business strategies?

Kirjoittanut: Taoheed Hasan - tiimistä Satku.

Esseen tyyppi: Blogiessee / 1 esseepistettä.

Taoheed Hasan
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.


The internet is like a huge playground with lots of fun stuff to see and do. But did you know that what you see online might be different from what your friends see? It’s because of something called the “filter bubble.” Let’s take a closer look at what this means and how it affects businesses. 

Understanding the Filter Bubble: 

Imagine if you had a helpful friend who always knew exactly what you liked and showed you things they thought you’d enjoy. Well, that’s kind of what the “filter bubble” does, but instead of a friend, it’s a computer program called an algorithm. This algorithm pays attention to what you’ve clicked on before on the internet and uses that information to decide what to show you next. 

For example, let’s say you really like watching videos of cute cats. The filter bubble will notice this and start showing you more cat videos because it thinks you’ll like them. But if you’re not a fan of dogs and never click on anything about them, the filter bubble won’t show you pictures of dogs. 

So, in simple terms, the filter bubble is like having a computer buddy that helps you find things online that match your interests. It’s like having someone who knows you well and wants to make your internet experience more enjoyable by showing you stuff you’re likely to enjoy. 

Effects on Business Strategies: 

For businesses, the filter bubble can have both positive and negative effects. On the bright side, it helps them understand what you might be interested in buying and show you ads for those things. This is like having a personal shopper who picks out stuff just for you. It saves businesses money because they don’t have to show ads to everyone, only to the people who are likely to be interested. This way, they don’t waste money showing ads to people who wouldn’t buy their stuff anyway. 

However, there’s a downside too. The filter bubble can make it tricky for businesses to reach new customers who might not already be interested in what they’re selling. It’s like trying to talk to someone who’s already busy with something else and not really interested in what you have to say. So, while the filter bubble helps businesses target their ads better, it also makes it harder for them to expand their customer base and reach new people who might be interested in their products or services. 

How Businesses Can Adapt: 

Businesses can adapt to the filter bubble by being smart and honest. One way is by learning more about their customers. They can do this by looking at what people have bought before or what they’ve clicked on online. This helps businesses understand what their customers like, so they can show them ads and posts they’ll enjoy. 

Being honest is also important. Businesses should tell people why they’re seeing certain ads or posts. They can do this by explaining how the filter bubble works and why certain content is being shown to them. This helps build trust with customers and gives them control over what they see online. Businesses can also give customers options to choose what they want to see, so they feel more in control of their online experience. By being clever and honest, businesses can use the filter bubble to reach the right customers while still being transparent and respectful. 


The filter bubble on the internet works like a personal helper, showing you things it thinks you’ll like based on what you’ve looked at before. For businesses, this can be both good and bad. It’s good because they can show you ads for things you’re interested in, like clothes or games. But it’s also tough because they might struggle to reach new customers who aren’t already interested in what they’re selling. By understanding how the filter bubble works and being honest with customers, businesses can use it to their advantage while still respecting people’s choices online. 



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