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The library of essays of Proakatemia

What can video games teach you about business and strategy

Kirjoittanut: Léo Walter - tiimistä Crevio.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

As an avid gamer who has navigated the demanding landscapes of games like Hearthstone and the Souls series, I’ve discovered that the challenges and strategies inherent in these games provide profound lessons that are applicable to business and personal development. The skills honed in these virtual environments can significantly enhance one’s ability to succeed in the real world, especially in entrepreneurial endeavors.

Games like Dark Souls, Sekiro, and Elden Ring are infamous for their steep learning curves and harsh penalties for failure. These games demand a strategic mindset, pushing players to think ahead, anticipate challenges, and adapt strategies on the fly. This is remarkably similar to the business environment, where strategic planning and adaptability are key to navigating the unpredictable market dynamics. The “hacker mindset” that gamers develop, characterized by always looking for innovative solutions or shortcuts, mirrors the entrepreneurial spirit of innovation. Entrepreneurs often need to pivot strategies quickly based on market feedback, much like gamers adjust their approaches to overcome new obstacles.

Resilience and perseverance are perhaps the most directly transferable skills from gaming to business. Facing frequent failures and tough challenges, players learn to embrace setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth—much like the startup culture in business, where early failures are often viewed as stepping stones to success.The challenging nature of these games, where failure is a frequent occurrence, teaches players to:

  • Persist through difficulties, viewing each setback as a learning opportunity.
  • Embrace failure as a step towards success, much like in startup culture where early failures often pave the way for valuable insights.

Games are also a fantastic arena for enhancing problem-solving skills. Players often face complex puzzles or enemies that require creative solutions to overcome. This ability to solve problems can translate effectively into the business environment, where innovative solutions to complex challenges can distinguish a company in a crowded marketplace.

Collaboration and community interaction stand out as well, especially in multiplayer games or when players engage in forums and live streams to enhance their gameplay. The gaming community often collaborates to achieve common goals, share strategies, and support each other, which underscores the importance of:

  • Teamwork and effective communication.
  • Networking and leveraging collective knowledge.
  • Community engagement to foster group problem-solving and innovation.

Resource management is another critical skill that both gaming and business share. Managing limited resources such as health bars, mana, or in-game currency mirrors how businesses manage finances, time, and human resources. Players learn the importance of making strategic decisions about when and where to allocate resources to maximize their effectiveness.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve come to recognize the dual-edged nature of gaming, particularly as it intersects with my professional life. There have been times when I’ve perhaps indulged in gaming a bit too much, especially when faced with the allure of a particularly challenging game like those in the Souls series. These periods of deep immersion, while incredibly enjoyable, occasionally led to procrastination on important work tasks. However, over time, I’ve developed a more disciplined approach, learning to balance the thrill of gaming with the demands of my entrepreneurial endeavors. I now treat gaming as both a reward and a motivational tool, setting clear boundaries to ensure that my professional responsibilities are prioritized.

One significant benefit I’ve noticed from gaming is the substantial improvement in my ability to focus. Engaging in long, uninterrupted sessions of games that require deep concentration has honed my focus, which has carried over into my work. This enhanced focus helps me stay on task longer and with more intensity, which is critical when dealing with complex business challenges. While I recall reading a scientific study that suggested gaming could improve focus up to a certain point.(University of Arkansas, 2018) Nonetheless, the personal gains in concentration and perseverance are undeniable.

These experiences underline the importance of managing the risks associated with gaming, such as potential addiction or using it as an escape from reality. Recognizing these risks early on has been crucial for me, allowing me to enjoy gaming responsibly without it detracting from my personal and professional growth. For fellow entrepreneurs who share a passion for gaming, I would advise setting clear boundaries for gaming time and viewing it as a tool for enhancement, not escape.

In conclusion, gaming offers more than mere entertainment; it could be a platform for developing vital business skills such as strategic thinking, resilience, problem-solving, and teamwork. By viewing gaming through the lens of personal and professional development, players can extract immense value from their time spent in virtual worlds. For entrepreneurs and professionals alike, embracing the lessons from gaming can pave the way to innovative thinking and effective strategy execution in the complex landscape of modern business.

This approach not only leverages a passion but also turns it into a valuable asset in the entrepreneurial toolkit.

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