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Well-being and The Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Kirjoittanut: Saniat Amin - tiimistä Crevio.

Esseen tyyppi: Akateeminen essee / 3 esseepistettä.

Syed Saniat Amin
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 8 minuuttia.


Mental health is very important at every stage of our life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood and even until we get old. A person is said to be in excellent mental health if they perform at a high enough level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. It influences how a person manages stress, interact with others, and make decisions. During our life, having mental health problems may have a significant impact on your thoughts, attitude, and behavior. Weaknesses in our emotional, psychological, and social well-being are the three primary things that might harm our mental health. Different aspects of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, including biological ones like genes or brain chemistry, traumatic experiences like abuse, and a family history of mental health issues, all play a role in the development of mental health issues. Because of this, the primary focus of this essay is the significance of mental health awareness.


Mental health awareness

Emotional well-being- Our emotional wellness is a key factor in determining our mental health. Confidence, optimism, and the capacity to handle life’s ups and downs are all aspects of our emotional well-being. Many people frequently experience the emotional states of anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, and frustration yet attempt to avoid them as much as they can. An individual’s long-term mental health may be impacted if they consistently experience unpleasant feelings. These unfavorable emotional states can increase tension in your body and mind, which, if it persists or becomes overpowering, can have a bad impact on your health. If an individual is emotionally suffering, then physical health can suffer too. Research has shown, for instance, that emotional strain increases the risk of developing illnesses such digestion issues (gastrointestinal difficulties), sleep abnormalities, and a general lack of energy. It may also make people easily struck by virus infections, stress brought on by a lack of control at work or by unforeseen life occurrences, and even cardiovascular disease. Reduced emotional well-being has consequences for mental health issues such stress, sadness, and anxiety. Sadness and worry are common feelings that help us detect threats, ward them off, and trigger reactions. These functions are totally good, but when these emotions overwhelm us, persist, become unreasonable, upsetting, and interfere with our everyday lives, that is when they are not healthy. Additionally, people who experience a lot of negative emotions may turn to substances like alcohol, tobacco, and high-fat food consumption (obesity) as a way to cope. Being emotionally healthy does not mean constant happiness. It implies that we are conscious of our feelings. While some people may experience short-lived or cyclical negative emotions, others may experience ongoing or long-lasting difficulties. If a person consistently experiences negative feelings, they are typically not fleeting but rather more enduring and can significantly affect how they live their daily lives. Being unable to regulate your bad emotions might make you feel isolated and, in more extreme cases, cause you to self-harm or consider taking your own life. Positive emotions such as anger, tension, and grief are still experienced by healthy people; it just depends on how they are managed. People with emotional issues can benefit from counseling, support groups, and even medications. It is advised for someone with persistent emotional issues to speak with their doctor or therapist or ask a close friend or family member for assistance in finding the best source of support. Because their health may be at risk, he or she can assist in identifying the best course of treatment to enhance their emotional wellbeing.


Psychological well-being

Being able to control these unpleasant and painful feelings is essential for long-term wellbeing. It’s common to encounter painful emotions like disappointment, sadness, and failure. However, there is a strong link between emotional and psychological wellbeing. It occurs when unfavorable feelings are intense or persistent and interfere with a person’s ability to go about their everyday lives normally. Our psychological wellness plays a significant role in maintaining our mental health. Emotional well-being, which refers to pleasant mental states like happiness and contentment, and psychological well-being are quite comparable. In contrast, psychological well-being places a greater emphasis on your life’s overall meaning and purpose. For instance, if I claim to be content or pleased with my life, you may infer that my psychological health is rather good. Recent research has shown that those with more psychological well-being have a higher probability of living longer and in better health. They have a higher chance of living a life of higher quality. Less social difficulties in society are linked to greater psychological well-being. For instance, studies have shown that those who report high levels of psychological well-being are less likely to commit crimes or abuse drugs and alcohol. Because of their poor psychological wellbeing, many people engage in harmful behavior. It is crucial to make a distinction between the various methods of enhancing psychological well-being. It’s crucial to treat disorders while they’re present, stop them from happening, and improve overall wellbeing. Positive psychological health also has a tendency to predict better income and prosocial activity like volunteering and charitable giving. Whether working with loved ones, friends, acquaintances, or total strangers, they are content with their lives and want to keep producing outcomes. Overall, flexible and creative thinking, pro-social conduct, and sound physical health are all indicators of psychological well-being.

Social Well-being

Our social environment has a big impact on our mental health and how we live our lives. Researchers have shown that solitude has a harmful influence on health. On the other side, our relationships, friendships, and social ties with others influence who we are and how we act. One of the most important factors affecting health and wellbeing is social well-being. Greater protection against chronic diseases and illnesses like cardiovascular disease, depression, and anxiety may come from having strong social support. People who are socially well-adjusted gain a lot and possibly even live longer. The ability of the immune system to fend against infectious illnesses can be improved by leading a healthy social life. “Social isolation or having few social contacts has significant health implications on one’s overall health,” claims mhnews.org. According to research, the health effects of isolation can increase a person’s chance of smoking, high blood pressure, and even obesity. A robust social network is linked to both improved cardiovascular and endocrine functioning.

Even a strong social network can help the immune system be more effective in warding off infectious infections. It can be challenging to determine whether a relationship is healthy or when to end one, but speaking with a trusted friend or a medical expert is crucial for your social well-being. Making connections, fostering wholesome relationships, and participating in joint activities are all techniques that can improve your social health. Making relationships with family, friends, lovers, and other people in life is something you should work on. Additionally, you can meet people at work and through passive activities like yoga or Zumba. Making connections and sustaining them over time are the keys to developing good relationships. A social support network might be difficult to create, but it offers numerous advantages for one’s happiness and mental health. The happy times and challenging times are made better and easier by positive relationships. Together, you can improve your physical and emotional health while fostering your relationship by engaging in physical activity.


self-knowledge that can be used in mental health and wellbeing.

Utilizing secondary prevention and health-improving methods appropriate for those with mental health issues, encouraging them to have social well-being by avoiding depression and developing skills that will aid in their recovery, among other things


Kinds of strategies to be used in stressful situations and how to improve them

Analyze the reason of the tension and begin concentrating on solutions at that time. Ask for assistance from friends, family members who are also old, or a medical professional. The individual in emotional turmoil will find it easier to manage his emotions. Running is a good workout to do on a daily basis since it calms the body, promotes physical health, and inspires one to move on in life. An individual will be helped in adjusting to stressful events and handling it with a positive mindset as part of the life experience that individuals go through by internalizing self-blame and taking the appropriate action. This emotional state can be improved by turning on some music in the home, taking a stroll, seeking for a hiking buddy, or going shopping in town.

Importance of positive emotions in our lives and how can we increase our positivity ratio.

People have happier lives as a result of it. The commitment to showing interest in one’s job responsibilities at work is also important. Additionally, as they adjust to their new surroundings, they will forge strong bonds with one another. It helps someone recognize how significant and valuable what they are doing is to the community at large, which in turn gives them hope for their future career. A human being will finally build a healthy sense of self-worth and emotional stability through pleasant emotions, which will foster a sense of self-belonging and competence among them.

By providing opportunities to express good feelings throughout difficult circumstances, such as appreciation and generosity, the positivity ratio can be raised. Knowing one’s good thoughts and sentiments helps one experience a sense of connection to oneself and one’s friends. An individual will become aware of the remarkable events occurring in their lives and make decisions that will allow them to exert control over these negative acts by learning to recognize the variables that prevent pleasant feelings. Finally, it is expected that people understand that they can feel both good and bad emotions at the same time. They must continue to be upbeat throughout all of their encounters in order to overcome these difficulties by interacting socially with others (Fredrickson, 2013).


relaxation techniques improve our well-being

It fosters wellbeing by, among other things, lowering mental tension via the use of both body awareness and visual imagery. When a person concentrates on tranquil weight-control strategies, he or she will be able to reduce their breathing and pulse rate by getting adequate sleep (UMMC 2016). Another method, known as progressive muscle relaxation, teaches one how to find methods to gradually tense every muscle in his body, from his toes to his head, and then to start releasing them one at a time. This method, among others, teaches one to pay closer attention to the health of his body’s physical components. The methods help people with their pain, stress hormone levels, and quality of life (Thondup, 2013).



In conclusion, this article offers support for the arguments highlighting the significance of mental health.

According to experts, it doesn’t matter how old we are, whether we are men or women, affluent or poor, lightweight or heavyweight, or what background or race we come from since it may happen to any of us. It is astonishing to learn that public figures like politicians and celebrities struggle with their mental health while having access to the greatest medical facilities and specialists. People of all ages might have mental health issues. Nearly 1 in 5 Americans (18.5 percent) experience mental health issues each year, according to the World Health Organization. An estimated 9.8 million individuals (over 18) in the United States had a significant mental condition in 2015. That comes to 4.8% of all adults in America.

We must always keep in mind our value and practice self-care, both physically and psychologically. Our emotional, psychological, and social health are the three variables that might impact our mental health. Dealing with our negative emotions while maintaining our emotional health is important. Our psychological well-being is affected by our life’s overall meaning and purpose. Our everyday contacts with people and forging enduring bonds are important to our social well-being. The main thing is to simply give yourself some time to be happy. Enjoy life, the thrills and pleasure it brings, and remember to be grateful for what you have. Life is far too brief.



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