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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Story about being brave end up to succeed

Kirjoittanut: Jemina Laitinen - tiimistä FLIP Solutions.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 2 minuuttia.

4th of December was the day when group fitness gathered in the most expected event of the year: LesMills (LM) Superstar final. LM Superstar is a competition for LesMills instructors who want to develop themselves and want to take their instructor journey to the next level. There were 430 people who applied to LM Superstar and 10 of them were selected to the final. I was one of them.

LM Superstar is a unique competition in that sense that there is no strict guideline for that who is going to win. People can apply with the program of their own choice from over 10 different LesMills group fitness programs and select the track by themselves. So, there is a diversity of programs, people and coaching styles for sure when dances, HIIT-workouts, muscle condition workouts and martial art-inspired workouts are in the same category. In the competition where the jury is looking for SUPERSTAR, someone who stands out and shines, there is no other way to try than compete with own full personality and just go for it.

I was dreaming of LM Superstar for many years before this year, but I did not have enough courage to apply. Because my inner perfectionist, I was so concerned about what if: What if I do mistakes? What if everything goes wrong? What if I can not speak and instruct perfectly in English? Fear of doing mistakes blocked me from even trying. It sounds horrible and stupid, but it is true.

In the last couple of years, I have been able to develop myself in a way that I am not so afraid to do mistakes anymore. I promised myself a year ago that when Superstar comes next time because covid cancelled it 2019 and 2020, I will apply whatever it is going to be.

I got over my concern and uncertainty and followed my dream, and it was so worth it! 4th of December I get the title of LM SUPERSTAR of 2021! After winning LM Superstar I was a guest in the podcast of LesMills Nordic and wrote part of the article to LesMills Nordic webpage.

You can listen to the story of my journey about the competition on Spotify and read my thoughts from lesmills.com:

I want to highlight the meaning of Proakatemia during my learning journey and my development for the competition. First of all, studying in English has been one of the big things to enable that I was ready and had the courage to instruct in English and do it that well. I want also to highlight the support I got from my team during this journey! My team was so supportive when I was preparing for the event, and they were so in the spirit during that event day. Thank you for that support I got!

Also, during the last couple of years, I have gotten more courage to take chances even though there are possibilities to fail and make mistakes. I have gotten more confident and be brave. That is the most important thing.

  • Luiza de Oliveira Vago

    Hey Jemina,

    I really like this essay and I can feel you in it. It is visible how much you have developed your English skills and self-confidence and this essay really shows it. FLIP is proud of you 🙂 It means a lot to see what you have learned through your experience and how you feel towards our team. Overall, your writing skills are super good, I must say.

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