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The library of essays of Proakatemia

roof vs roof

Kirjoittanut: Janette Heikkinen - tiimistä Crevio.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

We are renovating a small hut and came across to a difficult question. The roof of our cottage project has to be replaced but how, who and when? What is the process of replacing a roof?  After investigating the prices that professionals would charge for changing the roof we came to a conclusion that we will change it ourselves. We found out that our friend could come and help us out with this and he is a professional on top of all. The next question in our journey towards a brand new roof will be the material of the roof. We have picked two possible options for the material and the purpose of this essay is to investigate the differences between shingle roofing and metal sheet roofing. Which material would suit the best for us?



Roof is most important part of a building. If the roof is not protected with a good and secure roof the building will perish rapidly. Once water gets inside a building the repair-work will be immense.  An updated, strong roof protects your house and those who live there. It’s a shield from all of the elements — wind, rain, snow and extreme temperatures. It also keeps moisture from creeping into your home and  mold and other potentially dangerous substances from forming and growing.

The best time for changing the roofing is all year round according to CWC roofing. The winter is usually low season for roofing companies hence the prices will be lower that in other seasons. The fall weather is apparently more predictable and not as incredibly hot as it is in the summer. Spring is more unpredictable so the weather can cause problems. In the winter time snow and extremely cold temperatures can cause delays and problems. Roofing can be changed all year round but you just have to plan according to the weather, no extreme weather and rain and you will be good to go. The best time for roof replacement is rather sooner than later, it is best not to wait for any inconvenience to occur.



When doing research we leaned towards shingle roofing and more specifically katepal shingles. This is a Finnish company which offers the base tarpaper and te shingles. They were suggesting to do the renovation I spring when the weather is milder. We will call for offers from a couple of different places. According to research shingle roofing is more inexpensive than metal roofing. The advantages that Shingle roofing has are that it is beautiful and suits old buildings well, it is fairly easy to install and it is lightweight.

  • An average-sized shingle roof costs about 4000e less than a metal one.
  • Shingles are more popular, as they’re durable and easy to install.



With metal roofing the biggest advantages they have are it has are long lifespan, fairly easy to install but it is not as beautiful as shingles and metal roofing is not as noise absorbent a shingle roof is.

  • Metal roofs typically cost more than shingle roofs.
  • Most metal roofs use steel, aluminum, tin, or copper.
  • Metal roofs last the longest out of any other roofing material.


In conclusion there are various roofing options but the most common of them are shingle roofing and metal roofing. They both have advantages and disadvantages as well as the house owners have personal preferences to the appearance of the building. While shingles are fairly easy to apply, pleasing to the eye and the snow helps insulate some of the warmth, the metal roofing in the other hand lasts for longer and is also very neat looking depending on which design of the sheets do you choose. Shingles last for approximately 20 years and metals roofing a bit longer, but shingle roofing is not nearly as noisy as the metal option. If it rains you will have a concert if you live near the roof. When choosing your roofing you have to think about various things like your budget and the purpose of the building. We will most likely choose shingle roofing for our project because it has more advantages specifically looking at our project.



Group, T. (2021, May 24). Best time of year to replace roof. CWC Roofing. https://www.cwcroofing.com/best-time-of-year-to-replace-roof/

Admin. (2020, December 2). The benefits of replacing your roof: Tips, trends & more. Ideal Construction & Remodeling. https://idealconstructionva.com/the-benefits-of-replacing-your-roof/

YouTube. (2020). how to install shingles. YouTube. Retrieved December 5, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z0_QHE7a4w.

YouTube. (2022). YouTube. Retrieved December 5, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESYBRg8TJoM.

katepal. (2021, August 16). Pyydä Tarjous. Katepal Oy. https://katepal.fi/pyyda-tarjous/?_gl=1%2A1ailht5%2A_ga%2ANjY1MDcyNzgyLjE3MDE3ODQ4NjU.%2A_ga_ZS0K2PJG8Y%2AMTcwMTc4NDg2NS4xLjEuMTcwMTc4NTAyNy42MC4wLjA.%2A_gcl_aw%2AR0NMLjE3MDE3ODQ4NjUuQ2owS0NRaUFzYnVyQmhDSUFSSXNBRXhtc3U3aTJyRHhFQ1dXVFJuNlN0a3R2WVZINDNTWU1ZS1J0QS1sQjNWWGlMVTM3SEFwaTNGenBFY2FBakdHRUFMd193Y0I.%2A_gcl_au%2AOTYyOTQ1ODQwLjE3MDE3ODQ4NjU.


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