17 May, Friday
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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Psychological safety

Kirjoittanut: Emilia Laakso - tiimistä Kaaos.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 2 minuuttia.

Psychological Safety at the workplace


Psychological safety is the feeling and belief you will not be embarrassed or humiliated when speaking up with ideas, concerns, or questions. It is a feeling of confidence that makes you feel safe to be vulnerable and express yourself freely without fear. In a psychologically safe environment, people feel accepted and comfortable being themselves.

How do we create psychological safety?

Creating a work atmosphere where people feel serene speaking up and sharing ideas. Embold open dialogue in meetings and through discussions. Leaders play a fundamental role in establishing the tone for psychological safety. They should trade vulnerability and admit when they have made a mistake and encourage other team members to do the same, this encourages others to do the same. Each team member should provide constructive feedback but in a supportive way. It is important to offer improving feedback other than criticism. The feedback should be respectful and specific for room for areas of improvement. Cling to create an inclusive and diverse environment where everybody is heard and valued equally. Inspire a work culture where it’s okay to make mistakes and to see mistakes as a learning opportunity and not as a failure. It isn’t to make people feel safe to make mistakes and knowing that they can learn from them and creates a more innovative space. Build trust and being transparent embraces the feeling of Bing ecological be safe and makes teammates feel more confident in their work environment. Every team member should have a role and responsibilities and most importantly expectations need to be clearly defined this helps to make work colleagues or teammates feel more certain. Boosting healthy conflict resolutions help teammates to talk through conflicts in a respectful way and both sides can learn something from the conflict.

Setting and recognizing small and big achievements need to be celebrated this creates a positive feeling of accomplishment and supportive environment. We should always be receiving feedback from teammates or work colleagues to continuously adapt the workplace environment and to improve psychological safety.

To conclude, every workplace should have psychological safety. It is important for every to teammate or colleague to feel psychologically safe to better work function and create innovate ideas. Strong communication and increases work productivity. Teammate should always feel respected, and feel safe to ask questions and talk about mistakes.


With the help of our friend chatgpt

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