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Privacy Concerns in the Digital Age

Kirjoittanut: Saniat Amin - tiimistä Crevio.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

Syed Saniat Amin
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 2 minuuttia.

The digital era has brought with it extraordinary ease, communication, and information access in our increasingly interconnected society. But this advancement has not been without a price, as serious privacy issues have been raised. This article will discuss the difficulties people encounter in protecting their personal data as it delves into the complex world of privacy concerns in the digital era.


Continuous Data Gathering:

One characteristic of the digital era is the widespread of data collecting techniques. Massive volumes of personal data are generated by our everyday activities on social networking sites, e-commerce sites, and mobile apps. Tene and Polonetsky (2013) pointed out that because of the blurring lines between private and public information, safeguarding individual privacy is made more difficult by this pervasive data collecting.


Internet monitoring and government interference:

The scale of government monitoring operations was brought to light by Edward Snowden’s 2013 revelations, which raised awareness of privacy violations. Debates over the delicate balance that governments must find between individual privacy and national security have been sparked by this issue. Academics such as DeCew (2017) contend that strong legal frameworks are essential for preserving people’ right to privacy.


Commercial Use of Personal Information:

Many web platforms commercialize user data as part of their business plans. Technological giants like Facebook and Google gather user data in order to improve user experience and customize ads. However, since personal information is being used as a commodity, this activity creates ethical questions. In their research, Acquisti and Grossklags (2006) address the ethical and economic ramifications of these kinds of behaviors.


Identity Theft and Cybersecurity Breaches:

The digital age has led to an increase in cybersecurity breaches and identity theft. Cybercriminals take advantage of holes in internet networks to obtain private data without authorization. Cavoukian and Jonas’s (2018) research highlights how crucial it is to have strong cybersecurity safeguards in place to shield people from these constantly changing dangers.


In summary:

In conclusion, there are many different aspects of privacy problems in the digital era, including data collecting, government monitoring, business exploitation, and personal revelation. It becomes crucial to establish a balance between the advantages of technology innovation and the protection of personal privacy as people traverse this complicated terrain. Cybersecurity precautions, ethical issues, and legal frameworks are crucial in determining how digital privacy develops in the future. In this changing and linked world, it is imperative that we maintain our vigilance and support policies that protect individual privacy as we embrace the digital age.



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