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Mind leadership in organization

Kirjoittanut: Oshadi Mohottiarachchi - tiimistä Kaaos.

Esseen tyyppi: Akateeminen essee / 3 esseepistettä.

Mind leadership in organization
Helena Ahonen
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 10 minuuttia.

Mind leadership in organization



Oshadi Mohottiarachchi

Jignaben Patel




Leadership viewpoint

Poor leadership

The mind leadership model

Human mind

Areas that influence successful leadership

VUCA world

Marketing in mind leadership

The 4 principles



Leadership viewpoint  


Mind leadership refers to a specific approach to leadership that focuses on the cultivation and development of individuals’ cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and mindset. It recognizes that the thoughts and beliefs of individuals play a crucial role in shaping their actions and results. Mind leadership, therefore, places an emphasis on promoting self-awareness, fostering a growth mindset, and encouraging continuous learning and personal development. By harnessing the power of the mind, leaders can create an environment that nurtures innovation, agility, and resilience within the organization. Page 19 Mind leadership is essential to any leader working in a challenging and stressful environment. In order to effectively lead others, one must first be able to lead oneself. Mind leadership involves the ability to understand and manage one’s own thoughts, emotions, and mindset. It requires self-awareness, self-control, and the ability to regulate stress and pressure. (Ahman, 2014, 19)


Poor leadership


In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization. However, poor leadership of emotions and thinking can be very costly. When leaders fail to manage their own emotions and make irrational decisions, it can have a negative impact on their team and the overall functioning of the organization. Additionally, by not taking the time to carefully consider their own thoughts and beliefs, leaders may overlook important information or fail to properly communicate with their team. (Ahman, 2014, 20)

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business world, effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization. However, not all leaders possess the necessary qualities and skills to guide their teams towards achieving their goals. In this paragraph, we will explore how to recognize poor leadership in an organization. Poor leadership can manifest in various ways, such as a lack of clear communication, a failure to inspire and motivate employees, and a lack of accountability. By understanding these indicators, organizations can take proactive steps to foster a culture of effective leadership, which in turn can lead to improved employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational performance. (Ahman, 2014, 20)

Furthermore, poor leadership can also be observed in the daily routines of an organization, particularly in the context of meetings. Consider the meetings in your organization; do they tend to lack structure, purpose, or effective communication? Are they dominated by just a few individuals, limiting the participation and input of others? These signs can indicate a lack of effective leadership in the organization, as meetings are a key component of collaboration and decision-making. (Ahman, 2014, 21)

In order to create a more versatile approach to leadership in organizations, it is crucial to increase versatility in thinking. By considering a wide range of perspectives and incorporating diverse viewpoints, leaders can cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of the human mind and its impact on organizational dynamics. This involves recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence, cognitive flexibility, and open-mindedness. With a versatile mindset, leaders can navigate challenges more effectively, adapt to changing circumstances, and foster innovation within their teams. (Ahman, 2014, 22)


The mind leadership model


(Ahman, 2014, 24)

The picture above represents the mind leadership model by Helena Ahman.

According to the mind leadership map, it is imperative for organizations to recruit leaders who can appreciate the value of thinking. These leaders possess a deep understanding of the power of cognitive abilities and are able to harness this power to drive innovation, problem-solving, and overall organizational growth. They recognize that thinking is not just a solitary activity, but a collaborative process that involves the collective intelligence of the entire team. (Ahman, 2014, 24)

According to the mind leadership map, one of the key aspects of effective leadership is the ability to build emotions and influence others. By understanding and guiding your own emotional experiences, you can create a positive and motivating environment for your team. This involves recognizing and harnessing the power of emotions, both in yourself and in others, to drive performance and foster strong relationships. As a leader, it is crucial to develop emotional intelligence and use it to inspire and connect with your team members. (Ahman, 2014, 25)

Mind leadership in organizations involves not only fostering critical thinking, creativity, and learning, but also clarifying actions. As outlined in the mind leadership map, two key actions that contribute to effective mind leadership are coach clarity and simplify execution. By clearly communicating expectations and providing guidance, leaders can empower their team members to perform at their best. Additionally, simplifying execution by breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps can increase efficiency and reduce overwhelm. (Ahman, 2014, 25)


Human mind


Continuing the discussion on mind leadership in organizations, it is essential to understand the concept of the human mind. The human mind encompasses the cognitive processes, emotions, and behaviors that shape individual and collective thinking. It is the seat of creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities. Understanding the intricacies of the human mind enables leaders to tap into the full potential of their teams and foster an environment that nurtures critical thinking and learning. (Ahman, 2014, 28)

There are different approaches to understanding the human mind. One way to conceptualize the mind is by examining its different components, such as the brain, body, and their interaction. By considering these aspects, leaders can gain a comprehensive understanding of how the mind influences individual and collective behaviors within an organization. Furthermore, this perspective allows leaders to recognize the interconnectedness between cognitive processes and emotional experiences, providing insights into how to create a positive and productive work environment. (Ahman, 2014, 28)

If we describe the human mind from evolution until today, we can see how it has shaped leadership in organizations. Throughout history, leaders have always played a pivotal role in guiding and influencing their teams. However, in the modern era, the concept of mind leadership has gained prominence. Mind leaders are individuals who possess a deep understanding of human psychology and utilize this knowledge to inspire and motivate their employees. (Ahman, 2014, 29)

It is crucial to understand the concept of constructing the elephant of the human mind. This metaphorical analogy refers to the process of shaping individuals’ thoughts, emotions, and behaviors within an organization. Just like constructing an elephant requires careful planning, coordination, and collaboration, constructing the elephant of the human mind necessitates strategic leadership that cultivates a positive and growth-oriented mindset among employees. By actively promoting a culture of continuous learning and innovation, leaders can harness the untapped potential of their workforce and pave the way for organizational success. (Ahman, 2014, 30)


Areas that influence successful leadership

(Ahman, 2014, 36)

According to Helena Ahman the above picture shows the leadership areas that require more attention. (Ahman, 2014, 36)

It is important to emphasize the need for leaders to ensure the innovation and challenge of their leadership teams. In today’s dynamic and rapidly changing business environment, organizations must constantly adapt and stay ahead of the curve. By encouraging innovation and challenging the status quo, leaders can foster a culture of continuous improvement and drive their teams to think outside the box. This requires leaders to create an environment that values creativity, where new ideas are embraced, and experimentation is encouraged. (Ahman, 2014, 36)

Leadership plays a crucial role in organizations, regardless of the generation of employees involved. However, leadership gives rise to unique challenges when it comes to leading the systems of the millennial generation. This next paragraph explores the factors that demand more attention in effectively leading millennials and highlights the strategies that can be employed to harness their potential. It examines the need for a flexible leadership style that adapts to the fast-paced and ever-changing work environment and emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning. (Ahman, 2014, 36)

Choosing the right mindset in different phases of decision-making is important in leadership. A leader must be able to adapt their thinking to the specific circumstances they are facing. In times of uncertainty or crisis, a calm and focused mindset is essential for making sound judgments. On the other hand, when exploring new opportunities or taking risks, a more open-minded and creative mindset can lead to innovative solutions. (Ahman, 2014, 36)


VUCA world 


In today’s rapidly changing global landscape, organizations face unprecedented challenges. One of these challenges is the VUCA world, which stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. The VUCA world is characterized by rapid shifts in technology, unpredictable market conditions, and an ever-evolving competitive landscape. As a result, leaders within organizations must possess a unique set of skills to navigate and thrive in this complex environment. (Wright & Wigmore, 1999)

world, leaders must be able to adapt and influence others in a multitude of ways. One of the key considerations for leaders in the VUCA world is the understanding and management of social dispersions within organizations. With remote work and virtual teams becoming the norm, leaders must find innovative ways to foster collaboration and communication among team members who are physically dispersed. Moreover, the concept of an individual within an organization is expanding, as leaders must acknowledge and leverage diverse perspectives and talents to foster innovation and drive success. Furthermore, leaders now need to embrace new everyday approaches to life, recognizing the interconnectedness of personal and professional realms. (Ahman, 2014, 37)

They must possess the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate this ever-changing landscape and identify emerging opportunities for growth. In the VUCA world, the ability to think critically and make informed decisions is paramount as leaders must analyze complex and ambiguous situations to determine the best course of action. Additionally, leaders need to foster a culture of innovation and agility within their organizations, encouraging flexibility and adaptability among employees. Embracing the VUCA world is crucial for the economy as it opens up new possibilities and challenges the traditional ways of doing business. (Bennett & Lemoine, 2014)


Marketing in mind leadership


(Ahman, 2014, 54)


The above picture shoes ‘’what can marketing give to leadership.’’

Marketing has the power to do more than just promote products or services; it can elicit emotions and capture the attention of the audience. By leveraging emotional appeal, leaders can effectively reach and connect with their employees and stakeholders, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty. Emotions play a significant role in organizational dynamics, as they can drive motivation, engagement, and productivity. (Ahman, 2014, 54)

Marketing, it goes beyond just promoting products and services; marketing provides valuable insights, strategies, and tools that enhance a leader’s ability to effectively navigate the complexities of the business world. By leveraging market research, data analytics, and consumer behavior insights, leaders gain a deeper understanding of their target audience and can make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability. Furthermore, marketing enables leaders to effectively communicate their vision, values, and goals to both internal and external stakeholders, fostering trust and alignment. (Ahman, 2014, 54)

Effective marketing strategies help organizations establish a strong brand identity that resonates with stakeholders. Building and maintaining a successful brand requires careful attention to the organization’s mission, values, and target audience. Just as religion inspires followers through a set of beliefs and rituals, an effective brand engages customers by connecting with their needs, aspirations, and emotions. Therefore, marketing is not only a tool for generating sales and increasing market share, but also a means of cultivating a loyal following and inspiring other to embrace the organization’s vision. (Ahman, 2014, 58)

In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization. It goes beyond just having the right skills and techniques – it’s about finding the soul, not the tricks, in marketing and leadership. The heart of leadership lies in connecting with people on a deeper level, understanding their motivations and aspirations. This human-centered approach allows leaders to inspire and empower their teams, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration. (Ahman, 2014, 59)

According to Cladini, there are six key marketing principles that can be applied to leadership: reciprocity, consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity. These principles can greatly impact how leaders influence and motivate their teams. Reciprocity involves creating a sense of fairness and mutual exchange, consistency means being reliable and predictable, social proof utilizes the power of social influence, liking emphasizes building positive relationships, authority establishes credibility and expertise, and scarcity creates a sense of urgency and value. (Ahman, 2014, 60)

By recognizing the subconscious factors that influence people’s choices, leaders can make more informed decisions and effectively guide their teams. This insight is particularly relevant in today’s business landscape, where effective leadership requires a deep understanding of human behavior and motivations. Taking into account these subconscious influences can help leaders develop strategies that resonate with their employees and customers, leading to improved outcomes and organizational success. (Ahman, 2014, 61)

In order to effectively lead an organization, it is crucial to recognize the power of coincidental learning and irrational thinking. The significance of understanding subconscious decision-making processes in both marketing and leadership. By recognizing how our minds work on a subconscious level, leaders can make more informed decisions and effectively influence others within the organization. (Ahman, 2014, 61)

The importance of understanding subconscious decision making in both marketing and leadership. When reaching for subconscious methods of decision making, individuals often find themselves needing to provide a rational explanation for their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. This is because the subconscious mind operates on intuitive and instinctual responses, which may not always align with conscious reasoning. Therefore, it becomes crucial for leaders to be aware of this internal dynamic and find ways to bridge the gap between the subconscious and conscious decision-making processes. (Ahman, 2014, 62)


The 4 principles


In exploring the fascinating nature of the human brain, one can observe that it is subject to continuous change throughout our lives. It is an organ that exhibits tremendous plasticity, capable of adapting and growing, regardless of age. This remarkable characteristic implies that the brain can be developed and refined at any stage in life, debunking the misconception that it is a fixed and unchanging entity. Understanding the principles behind these neuroplastic changes can provide valuable insights into various aspects of human cognition and behavior. (Ahman, 2014, 67)


The training principle

The training principle refers to the fundamental concepts and strategies employed to optimize physical performance and achieve specific fitness goals. It serves as a guideline for designing effective workout routines and training programs. By understanding and applying the training principle, individuals can maximize the benefits of their exercise regimen, prevent injuries, and improve overall performance. This principle encompasses various factors, such as the frequency, intensity, duration, and type of exercises, as well as the principle of progression, which emphasizes gradually increasing the demands placed on the body over time. (Ahman, 2014, 67)

Clarity principle and directing attention.

The importance of clarity and directing attention cannot be understated. In order to effectively communicate with others, it is crucial to convey your ideas in a clear and concise manner. By doing so, you enable your audience to fully grasp and comprehend the information being presented. Additionally, directing attention helps to guide your audience’s focus towards the key points or message you are trying to convey. (Ahman, 2014, 67)

Association principle

   The Association Principle is a fundamental concept in psychology that states that people learn by associating one stimulus with another. This principle suggests that behaviors can be learned and modified through the process of association. It is based on the idea that humans are naturally inclined to connect events, experiences, and objects together in their minds. By understanding how this principle works, psychologists can gain insight into how behaviors are acquired, maintained, and even extinguished. (Ahman, 2014, 68)

Interest principle

In today’s society, the concept of the “Interest principle” has become increasingly important. This principle recognizes that individuals are motivated and driven by their own personal interests. It acknowledges that people have diverse passions, goals, and desires that shape their actions and decisions. The Interest principle highlights the significance of allowing individuals the freedom to pursue their interests and encourages a society that supports and nurtures personal growth and development. (Ahman, 2014, 69)





(Ahman, H. 2014. Mind leadership in organization)


(Wright, G & Wigmore, I. VUCA (Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/VUCA-volatility-uncertainty-complexity-and-ambiguity)


(Bennett, N & Lemoine, G.J. What VUCA really means for you. https://hbr.org/2014/01/what-vuca-really-means-for-you)

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Hi, I'm oshi and I'm just a girl who's trying to make dreams come true :)

  • Timo

    Well written essay with a really cool topic! I would be interested in hearing more about your own experiences related to the topic of mind leadership, in connection with your work with the team in Proakatemia.

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