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The library of essays of Proakatemia

How to Improve your Critical Thinking by Changing Questioning Attitude

Kirjoittanut: Ayush Kumar - tiimistä Sointu.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

The Socratic Method: A Practitioner’s Handbook
Ward Farnsworth
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.



Sometimes, asking the right questions is more important than having all the answers. This is what I learned from studying how Socrates, a famous philosopher from ancient Greece, used to think and teach. Unlike lectures where you just listen, he believed in talking with people, asking them questions to make them think deeply about their beliefs and the world around them. This method of questioning, now known as the Socratic Method, shows that by digging deeper with questions, we can understand things better, I choose this topic because I got a positive feedback from my teammate that I ask question without being scared and also they are important ones that make things relevant for my thinking.


Understanding the Socratic Method


I realized that the Socratic Method isn’t about winning an argument or showing off how much you know. It’s about exploring and questioning things together to get to the heart of what’s really true or right. For example, Socrates would ask someone what justice means, leading to a conversation full of more questions, challenging simple answers. This way, both he and the other person would uncover their hidden assumptions and maybe even change their minds. This approach has been used for centuries, not just in philosophy but in fields like medicine, law, and science, because it helps sharpen critical thinking and understanding.


Reflecting on Personal Experiences


Thinking about this, I realized I’ve been part of conversations where asking more questions would have helped clarify things. Sometimes, I accept information without really questioning it, especially if it comes from a textbook or an authority figure. But what if I started asking more questions, like why something is the way it is or how we know something is true? I see now how this could help me not just in school, but in understanding the world better and making more informed decisions.


Challenges and Benefits of the Socratic Method


Adopting this method isn’t always easy. It requires being genuinely curious and humble, recognizing that I don’t have all the answers. It also means being open to having my opinions challenged. I’ve learned that this can be uncomfortable but also incredibly rewarding. It’s a way to deeply engage with topics, think more critically, and learn from others in a meaningful way. Plus, it fosters a kind of learning where I’m actively involved, not just passively absorbing information.

My top two learnings

Asking Questions is Key


Just like Socrates, you’ve learned that asking questions is crucial. Instead of just accepting information, you’ve seen how important it is to dig deeper. By questioning why things are the way they are or how we know something is true, you can understand topics on a much deeper level. This is true for all areas of life, not just in school. When you ask questions, you’re actively involved in your learning. It’s like being a detective in your own life, always looking for the real story behind the story.


Being Open to Challenges


The second big takeaway is being open to having your thoughts and beliefs challenged. It’s not always comfortable to question what you believe or to have others question it. But you’ve learned that this is a powerful way to grow and learn. It’s about being curious and admitting that you don’t know everything. When you embrace this kind of learning, it’s more like a conversation rather than just memorizing facts. You become a part of the learning process, and it makes the things you learn stick because you’ve worked through them yourself.





Socrates’s trial and his method of questioning teach us about the power of critical thinking and the importance of questioning the world around us. As I reflect on this, I’m inspired to adopt a more questioning attitude in my learning and everyday life. By embracing the spirit of inquiry that Socrates championed, I can become a more thoughtful, informed, and critical thinker. This doesn’t mean I’ll question everything always, but I’ll be more aware of the importance of asking questions and seeking deeper understanding. It’s a journey I’m excited to continue, exploring not just the answers but the questions that lead us to greater knowledge and insight.

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