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The library of essays of Proakatemia

foundations of wealth

Kirjoittanut: Yousif Majeed - tiimistä Kaaos.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 5 minuuttia.




There is a lot of value in this essay, but you must understand the concept first. This is very helpful for

beginner entrepreneur and even experienced entrepreneur. I would even go so far as to call this the basics for an entrepreneur. When you understand the game, it is easier to play, and if you go blindly and try to find it, it is much more unlikely to happen.

Successful businessman Alex Hormozi began his career as a gym owner, progressed to remodelling and enhancing other gyms, and currently makes investments in other companies. He thinks that there is a structure to business that can be understood.


Equity: You have two options for getting to millionaire status: own it or earn it. Going there is the quicker route. When you earn your way there, the formula is 2,000,000 / Time / Taxes = 1,000,000 [million]. It is an example for those who work; nothing is wrong with it, but it will take a lot of time to reach that goal, and since it is hypothetical and nobody can save every dollar they make, it is also more likely not to happen. Owning property or assets is another example of getting where you want to go; there are other commons, too. Being an entrepreneur means that the stock you invest in is your own. For this one, I’ll give you two examples: You have a good amount of free time to complete the task and automation, and you operate your own firm with an annual revenue of $250,000. That’s probably worth a million dollars. Alternatively, you might be a real estate owner and earn $3000 a month from your two houses, or $3000 * 12 months = $36,000 a year. You can start earning 4500*12 = 54k annually when you purchase a new home in two to three years. Along with the asset you brought with you, you will have the money from the rented house. You can also remodel the house and possibly even make it two or three times larger.

It is important to note that, although real estate ownership and rental may begin slowly in this scenario, they will eventually reach enormous proportions that will exceed millions, and they also require less work and are safer. The problem with real estate investing is that not only can the earner accomplish this and reach the million-dollar mark more quickly, but the entrepreneur will also reap significant financial rewards from their real estate ventures.


Avoid diversifying. A diversified person sees several business opportunities and pursues them all at once, whereas a non-diversified person would focus all of his energy on a single endeavour. Wealthy people diversify, but they do so for a reason—they have many options that can work for them, and it also reduces risk. However, for an entrepreneur just starting out or already established, it is not a good idea to put your time and energy into a lot of different ideas—the person who doesn’t diversify will be a stronger competitor and will also accomplish their goals much more quickly. It is important to remember that when you are first starting out as an entrepreneur, your time and effort are what count most.

As an entrepreneur, you go through these five stages.













You will begin with the idea, knowing nothing about it and feeling optimistic about it. Then, you will start learning and eventually reach informed pessimism, which means you can understand the risks and how things work. You will then continue into the valley of despair, which indicates you are trying to succeed but it is not working for one or more reasons; nearly everyone fails in this step because it is difficult and you feel like it is not for you. After that, you will start something else that will put you back into the five stages. This is incredibly frustrating, but after realising this, it motivates me to keep trying. This error is known as the beginner’s mistake by Alex Hormozi. It feels great to have surpassed the novice level, I suppose. After experiencing the valley of despair, you will grow and acquire a well-informed optimism, which will help you accomplish your objective. Although it may appear simple at first glance, the application and stain consistency are crucial components.


Long game, Alex Hormozi uses a pile of blocks as an example. If you wanted to quickly build something large, you would stack the blocks vertically to make it as tall as you could, but you couldn’t rely on them to stay stacked. “They build the thing they want to build differently because they’re in a rush,” says Alex Hormozi. It’s important to consider the long-term picture; this isn’t a “hit and run” situation; rather, it’s more like building a house or raising a child. Building something higher will take time, but the structure will make it more marketable. In a business context, this means that even if every aspect of your product and marketing is subpar, you will still make sales, and your brand’s reputation will gradually erode. You have a product that you are selling; you market it, you sell, and you keep promoting. If you play the long game, you will pay more attention to the customer’s pleasure, which will eventually lead to positive word-of-mouth advertising for your product.


Finding a hungry crowd is one of the keys to making your first million dollars. The rationale is that, for instance, if your hot dog stand is in a prime location, sales will occur regardless of how amazing the product or hot dog is. According to Alex Hormozi, “the market is always going to be the strongest variable in how much money you make.”


market>propose>convince. For instance, if you are selling toilet paper during COVID-19, you will still be able to sell it even if you end up with 80 heaps of paper and are unable to convince the consumer to buy it. It’s that simple: the amount of money you can make depends on the market, market size, and demand. If, however, you’re not in the COVID-19 market, you’ll need to concentrate more on offering and persuading in order to increase sales.

The four characteristics of an insatiable market Or, perhaps more accurately, they are desperate for your stuff because they are in pain. purchase power, which is the ability to pay for your goods; easy targeting; the ability to locate and target this audience; and, last but not least, a growing market. In his example, Alex cites a friend’s business where he attempted to help people improve their resumes but was unable to get paid because the clients lacked the funds to invest in such services.


1 channel, 1 product, and 1 avatar. By this, Alex Hormozi is saying that you should identify your target market using their avatar and that you should only have one product—one product does not imply that you will receive twice as much as you would if you had two or three. It would be better to concentrate on the avatar at the outset. If you have one channel, it indicates that you have a platform for publishing and marketing. If you are strong at something and seeing success, don’t diversify right away. Instead, stay going.


Offers, value equation: value = time * effort and sacrifice * anticipated likelihood of success * dream outcome. This has a very straightforward explanation: everyone wants to get value, and everyone wants to give value. The ideal state would be to be fit, as an example. Time: How probable is that to happen? How much time would it take you to get fit if you did this? work, and giving up. Which activities do you need to cease doing, and which ones do you need to start performing? As entrepreneurs, we have to aim for the ideal result, a higher perceived chance of success, and a lower time and effort sacrifice.


There are eight methods for marketing, sales, and advertising; four of them you can perform on your own, and the other four are done by others. Six workers, seven agencies, eight affiliates, One warm outreach, two content, three paid advertising, four cold outreach, and five referrals When starting a business, it’s best to experiment with different approaches to see what works. Looking back at past failures and why a particular strategy didn’t work is also a great way to learn from mistakes. It would be easier to teach someone how to market to your customers if you created a script, as suggested by Alex Hormozi.


Alex Hormozi, ” If I Wanted to Become a Millionaire In 2024, This is What I’d Do [FULL BLUEPRINT]” (8.11.2023), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBoRLJimVzc&t=1837s&ab_channel=AlexHormozi


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