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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Feedback Essay

Kirjoittanut: Taru Jytilä - tiimistä SYNTRE.

Esseen tyyppi: Blogiessee / 1 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 2 minuuttia.

This Feedback essay is written from :

“AI IS SHAPING OUR WORLD” – Written by Marcos Heinonen 

I noticed an interesting topic written by Marcos. AI ” Artificial Intelligence” is a word that has been on every ones mind for the last few weeks. Where ever you go , what ever you do, you will most likely see or here something regarding the AI. So what is the AI? Basically it is the usage of computers to do something that normally equals human intelligence. Spitting out information from crazy storage space. At the moment AI is not able to recognize patterns, make human like desicions or judge, but these are all goals for AI in the future.

Very hot topic, I have been digging into the subject as well lately and find it scary, interesting and life changing all at the same time. I have not seen the news regarding Mc Donald’s in Texas operating only with AI by robots, that insane! I can not wait to be served by robots in our Mc Donald’s. “Accelerating the Arches” saying was totally new information and I got interested more in this subject thanks to your essay!

I remember around 2017 when Elon Musk was jokin about the fact that in 10 years we would not need taxi drivers, cashiers or customer service agents as robots would take over everyone was laughing at him. I believe regarding the latest happenings it is very possible that robots will replace many of the low pay jobs in the near future. I mean we have people working in factories that require pushing a button, that’s a job for robot!

I enjoyed your way of explaining how critical thinking seperates us from robots. For now. We must remember the goal for AI is to have a skill to act like human beings.

I could very much relate to your way of thinking about the normal education system that we have. Forcing ourselves to memorize something from a book and then spitting it out to the paper in the exam, what could we learn from that. Love the idea. How could we make sure to learn something valuable that would stay with us during our lifetime.

Liked your reflection about Elon Musk, although he is a very weird man I relate to the fact that he is intelligent and definitely he has learned how to analyze the information he sucks from books.

This Tesla information was very fascinating:

“Tesla autopilot can improve day by day as it collects data from thousands of cars around the world analyzing people’s driving tendencies. If a pothole is being hit while driving on autopilot the car sends information to a server which is processed by an AI to improve the system and make sure the next Tesla car on autopilot doesn’t commit the same mistake.”

You mentioned a few downsides that might happen to society whilst AI will replace some jobs. I personally believe so much good will come with AI that all the people losing their jobs, will hopefully find something new to work with that will make them more happier and have more purpose doing the job too!

Can’t wait for all the changes that will come with AI , welcome! Great essay Marcos 5/5 in my op.


Link for the original essay:

AI is shaping our world



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