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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Dialog as a Tool of Development for Human Beings

Kirjoittanut: Thais Santos Araujo - tiimistä SYNTRE.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.


The definition of dialog in Oxford Dictionary is:  “a conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or film.” In simpler words, a discussion where two individuals or more are able to exchange ideas and thoughts. The comprehension of dialog as a tool comes from understanding different sectors already assimilated the powerfulness of improving and using dialog as a base for communication to solve conflicts, share learnings and reach the next level. Pedagogues have relevant discussions affirming that the human being’s history is evolved into what we are today as a society due to the good use and development of dialog.


Dialog leadership, a dialogic collaboration between sectors, dialog as organizational ethics methods. It’s infinity the sub-topics to which this exchange of thoughts can be broken down and developed. In education, for example, long discussions around ways of teaching. There’s the old fashion teaching which is a more Socratic style, a monologue held by the teacher with non-participative students, and the attempt to break off this idea by having open discussions in circles where students can jump in and add to the topic to their own learning process.

In business, the lack of dialog can be proven as a perfect formula for failure. There are many spaces to performing dialog experiences, for example, management and subordinates, sales and clients, and of course, between departments. Nonetheless, the absence of dialog will directly affect people’s performance personally and in the organization. Maybe an even worse consequence, the values, and purposes start to hold off and relationships stop to be a pleasant status quo and start to be spread unspoken conflict and adversarial ways of seem the colleagues.


In the discussion between the highly regarded pedagogues Paulo Freire and Ira Shor (1987), Paulo conjures how dialog is not only a technique or tactic but part of history as to how we developed as human beings. Using dialog, humans needed to be more critical about their communication. The exchange of information requires a layer of understanding because the thoughts are transmitted from the first communicator and there’s an expectation to be understood by the receiver which turns out to be now the new communicator in the cycle.

Maybe the next line of thought can be confusing to understand but Freire still braces the existence of dialog comparing human beings and other animals developing through this “tool”. Beyond communication, as every animal do, humans have the ability to know that they know. They don’t only recognize something exists, but they are conscious that they know something exists. Knowing that we know something, we also perceive we don’t know something. This is the relevant point where the dialog can be critical, relevant, and transformative.


Due to the discussion not being new, a lot of data and great content can be found, and it allows deeper reflections on the theme. The tool dialog is present in our lives in many interactions. While doing business, the awareness of its powerfulness and its negative consequences, are boosters to dedicate energy and carefulness when starting a dialog. To be acquainted with the possibilities of learning due to being able to assimilate what we don’t know, it’s an open door to development.

In conclusion, companies achieve a better result by setting up successful lines of dialog. The tool can be used in written or spoken form; it does not affect the result. The outcome is a respectful and empathetic environment for a group that improves their knowledge. It’s already proven to be a tool of development for human beings, why not use it to improve your business?


Freire, P and Shor, I, (1987), What is the “Dialogical method” of teaching?, Journal of Education, Vol. 169, No. 3 pp. 11-15.

Roger, A. (2018), The Importance of Dialog In Business: A Case Study

  • Luiza de Oliveira Vago

    Really like this essay! Anything that has the master Paulo Freire gets my attention and the type of education you talk about here is what he would call “banking” education 🙂

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