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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Cybersecurity in practice

Kirjoittanut: Aleksi Partio - tiimistä Ei tiimiä.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 2 minuuttia.


How can we use cybersecurity as a guard protecting our company’s secret information? We want to secure our personal info, new innovations, customer’s personal info, and payment info. We are responsible for the information customers give us, and that can’t go into the wrong hands. What are the things companies must take care of to secure their data?


The first step that companies should do is to define the starting level. After that is possible to see the needs and what different areas must be protected. Various companies and businesses need different things from cybersecurity. It depends on how much info and data they have on the internet. For example, other companies are using web stores for selling, and others do not even have a home page. Cybersecurity risks are comparable to normal risks and risk management. The reasons for cyberattacks can be just bullying, causing harm for a victim, stealing information, or spying between major companies. One and probably the most common cyberattack action is phishing. Phishing is an action where criminals try to get passwords and usernames pairs, other valuable information like emails, credit card information, and personal information.


Companies usually have an IT budget, and cybersecurity services are part of it. Cybersecurity services for big companies are usually bought from the specialist of the industry. The prices depend on the services needed. For a small company, it is still possible to manage cybersecurity risks with low costs. Use common sense with everything. For example, when you get scam emails or fast money transfer requests think always twice before doing anything. Always keep software and operating systems updated. Take backup copies from data. Have strong and complicated passwords. If something looks too good to be true, it’s usually not true.



The cybersecurity process for companies.


Recognition is to define starting level and see the needs of the company. Protection is to cover the needs with high-quality protection software or tools. Detection is to find possible risk actors or vulnerabilities. The reaction is to find a new way to protect data as fast as possible to be able to avoid data seepage. Recovery is the last part if someone was able to steal your information how you are going to recover from it. Recovery can be, for example, changing all passwords and making new accounts or web pages.



Cybersecurity should be taken seriously in every company. Attackers develop their skills and abilities to steal information every day. That’s why being careful all the time is super important. Online banks or email login pages can look exactly the same with a real login page, but it is made by the hacker. Always keep an eye on the reality when logging in to critical web pages. One small mistake can ruin a company’s reputation and destroy the entire business.



Kyberturvallisuus ja yrityksen hallituksen vastuu, Traficom. Opas. 2/2020. Luettu 27.4.2021.https://www.kyberturvallisuuskeskus.fi/sites/default/files/media/publication/T_KyberHV_digiAUK_220120.pdf

Kyberturvallisuus, BDO Suomi. Opas. Luettu 27.4.2021. https://www.bdo.fi/fi-fi/palvelumme/neuvonantopalvelut/kyberturvallisuus?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvr6EBhDOARIsAPpqUPEo8FsdW7gJ93OwUmMnm8bRZ_2N6pUrgsUod2vTW-PSF_Cl34zjRaMaAkFIEALw_wcB

Isotalo.V, Kyberturvallisuus on riskienhallintaa, Lounea. Artikkeli. Luettu 28.4.2021.



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