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Artificial Intelligence: How it is changing traditional ways of working

Kirjoittanut: Albab Aziz - tiimistä Crevio.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

Albab Uddin Aziz
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 5 minuuttia.

Artificial Intelligence: How it is changing traditional ways of working

What if a long-term task is completed in a moment? Artificial Intelligence is a medium where you can give the necessary instructions in a moment and implement them very easily through the machine.

Artificial intelligence tools available have grown rapidly in recent times, with their use in industries being considered as human alternatives. Tools like OpenAi, Chat-GPT, Google BARD, and Dall-E 2 are being used to generate retained content and visual output. Where in previous years skilled workers with years of training in industry or writing were required, these tools of Ai are responding well.

But have you ever thought that we have become dependent on OpenAi or ChatGpt day by day — where exactly would our workplace stand if devices were used as our alternative? According to the researchers, the development of this generative content mechanism has produced quite a surprise for both an economist and an engineer. Because it is on the one hand a blessing of technology, on the other hand it is a foretaste of the dire signal of the dysfunction of human civilization.

At the same time, a recent report by Goldman Sachs highlighted some exciting possibilities for Artificial Intelligence and the economy. The report estimates two-thirds of new jobs will be created in the US and Europe, and nearly 300 million new Artificial Intelligence workers worldwide could be exposed to automation. The report also noted that one-quarter of all jobs could be replaced by generative OpenAi or Google Bard.

Therefore, artificial intelligence is changing the traditional way of working with fear and anxiety in today’s event.

The impact of artificial intelligence in the workplace

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has directly and indirectly changed the way we live and work. One of the most significant concerns is that Artificial Intelligence will replace traditional ways of working, leading the world to mass unemployment and possible social unrest. While this fear is not entirely unfounded, OpenAi’s impact on the workplace is complex and multifaceted and will present both opportunities and challenges for workers in the business sector alike. So let’s look at some of the possible reasons behind why this technology could impact the human workplace.

  1. The potential of AI

According to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, OpenAi could contribute $13 trillion to global economic output by 2030. Based on this estimate, the use of AI has the potential to increase global GDP by 1.2% per year. However, the same study also highlights the potential for job displacement and suggests that around 375 million workers worldwide will change careers or be forced to acquire new skills as AI accelerates.

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity

Despite these concerns ChatGPt also offers significant opportunities and has the potential to revolutionize almost every aspect of our lives. One of the most significant impacts of OpenAI in the workplace is increased efficiency and productivity. Artificial Intelligence-powered tools will automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, helping employees focus on more strategic and creative tasks. OpenAi will help automate data entry and analysis, customer service inquiries, and even the hiring process, for example. This increased efficiency and productivity will lead to cost savings, faster decision making and customer satisfaction.

  1. Advanced decision-making and predictive analytics

Another impact of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace is improved decision-making and predictive analytics. AI-powered tools can analyze large amounts of data and easily identify patterns and insights. This analysis will help businesses make more informed decisions, anticipate customer needs and predict future trends. For example, retailers will be able to analyze shopper patterns and use AI to recommend personalized products and services.

  1. Advanced security system

Artificial Intelligence will improve workplace safety and risk management. For example, in industries such as manufacturing and construction, OpenAi-powered robots and drones will be able to perform hazardous tasks, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Additionally, OpenAi will be able to analyze data to identify potential safety risks and predict equipment failure before it happens, enabling businesses to take proactive steps to prevent accidents and ensure worker safety.

  1. Change and new opportunities

It is important to note that, with the rise of AI technology, some industries may be more affected than others. Workers in industries such as manufacturing and transportation may need reskilling and upskilling to remain employable. However, it is important to highlight the potential and opportunities for new job creation in fields such as AI training, data science and machine learning engineering.

The World Economic Forum predicts that AI will create 97 million new jobs worldwide by 2025, although some existing jobs may be displaced. In addition, AI will help businesses expand into new markets and develop new products, leading to job creation and economic growth. Collaboration with AI will become increasingly important in the workplace, as it can help make better decisions, but cannot replace human intuition, creativity, and empathy.

  1. moral implications

As AI becomes more prevalent in the workplace, there are ethical implications to consider, and fears of AI bias are not unfounded, as some AI systems may discriminate against certain groups based on race or gender.

Recently, an AI recruiting tool developed by Amazon was found to be biased against women, as it was trained on resumes submitted to the company over the past ten years, which were primarily from men.

Additionally, AI can be used to influence political campaigns and elections—especially by crafting targeted messages or manipulating polling results.

Such use raises serious concerns about privacy, security, and even democracy, and raises ethical guidelines and requirements for regulating the development and use of AI. It is imperative that businesses and individuals are aware of the potential ethical implications of AI and take steps to mitigate this risk.

  1. Philosophical perspective

From a philosophical point of view, the widespread use of AI can damage human dignity and meaning, as work will become increasingly automated and repetitive. However, some suggest that AI will be more creative than humans; New job opportunities will also be created to be fully functional. Even the patterns of work will change where AI will be quite helpful for human enhancement.

But from a philosophical point of view people can become more consumerist which can cause harm to human civilization. That’s why we should create a world where AI replaces many of our boring jobs, and humans are empowered and used as tools to create new opportunities. Thus the future world will be much faster if AI needs to be controlled for specific tasks.

  1. Embracing AI

The impact of AI in the workplace is growing significantly and far-reaching. As per the previous point, we must take the challenge seriously and develop our own way of working using the benefits of AI, such as efficiency and productivity.


Technology is considered as a blessing in our life but in some cases it has become a curse. Where artificial intelligence is a burning proof. But AI can be one of the best friends of humans if it is used properly. So instead of letting OpenAi be our alternative, let’s establish ourselves as an alternative to Ai by working on our skill development and creating a skilled workforce.

Ultimately, however, we need to spend time developing our skills to keep pace with new technologies.






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