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Setting personal financial goals

Kirjoittanut: Hassan Chakir - tiimistä SYNTRE.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

Setting financial goals is an important part of personal finance. The long-term and short-term plans that we make to make money are called financial goals. These can be short-term goals, like saving money for a trip or a new gadget, or larger, longer-term goals, like buying a home, paying off debt, or investing money in luxury. one side to retire. These goals guide our priorities and motivate us to remain accountable in the management of our finances.

We set short-term objectives when we intend to accomplish them soon, generally within a year or less. These objectives could include putting money aside for an emergency, paying off a modest debt, or saving for a significant purchase. Conversely, long-term objectives are those that we want to accomplish in the future, often more than five years from now. These objectives may be saving for our children’s education, purchasing a home, or investing for retirement.


You may enhance your overall financial health by setting financial objectives. You may take charge of your finances and make decisions that are in line with your long-term intentions by setting clear financial targets.

Take someone who wishes to save money as an example. They might not hesitate to get a cup of coffee every morning on their way to work if they don’t have a specific financial aim in mind. While the expense of one cup of coffee each day might seem little, the overall impact of this habit can easily pile up over time.

If we suppose that a cup of coffee costs €2.50 and that person purchases one every day during the workweek for a year, they would spend €650 on coffee alone. This may not seem like a substantial sum, but think about what could be accomplished with that money if it were used to a financial objective.

For instance, by allocating their coffee money to savings, the person may achieve their goal of saving €5,000 for a down payment on a property in little under eight years. They could possibly make an extra €1,069 in interest over time even if they merely put €100 per month of their coffee money into a low-risk investing account with a 2% yearly return.

Of course, this is only one example of how having financial objectives might improve your financial health. The important thing to remember here is that by defining clear financial objectives, you may make educated decisions that support your long-term intentions. Having a clear goal in mind will help you keep focused and motivated, whether your aim is to save for a down payment on a home, pay off debt, or just develop a good emergency fund. Maintain your motivation throughout the procedure.

It is critical to establish a strategy and keep to it in order to attain your financial objectives. This may entail making short-term compromises, such as cutting back on daily costs or boosting your income through side hustles or work progression. However, the long-term rewards of accomplishing your financial objectives may be enormous, paving the way for a more secure and happier financial future.

Ultimately, Setting financial goals can provide direction and motivation for achieving desired outcomes. Aligning financial goals with personal values can increase awareness and mindfulness towards spending habits, leading to a more secure financial future.


To effectively manage personal finances, it is crucial to set financial goals. This involves a few steps, starting with identifying priorities. Priorities can include unexpected expenses, starting a business, future large expenses, funding children’s education, income replacement during retirement, and retirement lifestyle. Once priorities are established, specific goals need to be set, answering questions about each goal’s purpose, scope, and timeline.

Writing down financial goals is important to stay accountable and have a roadmap to achieve them. Examples of specific financial goals are saving for travel, paying off credit card debt, saving for a downpayment on a home or investment property, establishing an emergency savings fund, creating a charitable foundation, or saving enough dividend income for a child’s college education.

Monitoring progress towards goals is necessary to ensure accountability. To do this, a cash flow plan can be created to cover expenses, wants, and savings. Automatic savings can be set up to make contributions towards specific goals without manual input, and progress can be tracked using a spreadsheet. Being specific, writing goals down, and tracking progress are all key to achieving financial goals.



Bank A. 19.04.2023. How to set and achieve financial goals. Medium. Read on 27.04.2023. Link: https://medium.com/bank-al-etihad/how-to-set-and-achieve-financial-goals-ded7091f6cc7

Rachel C. 10.08.2022. How to Set Financial Goals. Ramsey Solutions. Read 27.04.2023. Link: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/personal-growth/setting-financial-goals

Erik G. 07.06.2019. How to set Financial goals. Meduim. Read 27.04.2023. Link: https://medium.com/@erik_61801/how-to-set-financial-goals-272e9f1dbc88


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