03 May, Friday
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Proakatemian esseepankki

My (Our) Secret links

Kirjoittanut: Antti Eloranta - tiimistä Apaja.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

My (our) secret links

Updated frequently



In this series of essays, I will share the best links for keeping myself up to date on finance-news, stock-news, news overall and the forums and platforms that I use to learn more. These have been aquired for me for years and now I decided to share them in a blog-essay form. I will first post a link and below I will explain it to you what do I do with that source. I will keep this posted, so it will be a continously updated blog-essay, essay.


Please, DO post your best links below so we can learn from each other. Will update the list. Last (12.5.2020)




Site that I use very often to find out the daily news and especially the news that are trending among people who have finance interest. Tells about investing ideas, free comments by many experts. Good to watch on with a sensor-eye (don’t believe everything) #Stocks #News #Companynews


Overall a site that I do use. It lists automaticly every news that is posted on web in Finnish langauge. There are several segments, but it keeps you up-dated by watching only one page. You don’t need to check several. 1 page – all news. A bit like what VAINU does for CRM’s. #News #Finance #AI


Awesome finance site that shows you alot data about stocks and news daily about them. Inderes is a analytic firm that does stock analysis for customers. They basicly grade companies and try to know how they perform and when is a time to buy and when is a time to sell / keep a stock. #Stocks #insidetrades #Analytics


A site that haves a forum and regular basis blogposts about financial stuff. Only forum for investing and finance that is ”popular” in Finland. Shareville is another one made by Nordnet.


Nordea Investor which is a trading page for buying and selling stocks, ETF’s, Funds and any other investment instruments that are on market. The platform is fresh and works very well on my opinion. Also it has integradet https://kauppalehti.fi news to it, so works very well to see them in the same place as well.


Good alternative for the regular bank services that loves small investors with good funds. Very good place to learn investing and start it. Monthly savings are possible to be put into save and they do increase quite safely by time. Most popular funds called Superrahasto, they are ”no fee” funds that are very popular and invest in index in different country. Example Superrahasto Suomi.



A site that like academy, teaches new things online. From top coders to top graphic designers the Udemy gives you content that even best professors in the universities can’t teach. Some of the classes are free, most of them are with a fee. Our team has purchased some graphical courses from here.

Tech / Selling

The best platform for creating your own webstore. Simple to use, does SEO quite easily. Loves the algorithm of Google and other search engines. Works very well with pay per month system / fees by transaction. 



A Finnish fintech company that offers a comparison platform for financial products such as savings accounts and personal loans.
You’re also able to compare electricity- and mobile offers and find the most affordable one for you.
The blog also offers a lot of up to date information for consumers.
(By Mikko)


Find a JOB

ONE place for the jobs. It lists basically most of the jobs out there from different sites like mol, monster, oikotie what so ever. Lets say it it a smart way to find a job. You can also make a reminder or alert for a job that would be your dream and get notified quickly if one of those pops up, so you would be the quickest to contact the HR & Recruiter.

  • Mikko


    A Finnish fintech company that offers a comparison platform for financial products such as savings accounts and personal loans.
    You’re also able to compare electricity- and mobile offers and find the most affordable one for you.
    The blog also offers a lot of up to date information for consumers.
