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The library of essays of Proakatemia

The balance of Dynamicity

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The balance of Dynamicity


Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Peter Drucker

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At proakatemia, much that we learn is about team building. Team building is everywhere, sometimes nothing happens but team building happens. People are happy if they have their teambuilding learning.

It happened to me that I learned more about teambuilding by reading peter Drucker than anywhere else. During an interview, Peter Drucker famously said that while there was happening a speech of a economics teacher, he was not interested in the numbers there, but in the people. That made me understand that managing an organization is managing people, be those your employees, be the clients. Understanding human behave is the key of teambuilding.

Innovation and entrepreneurship was a book written to build the key concepts of the modern notion of entrepreneurship and not only that, the modern pillars of business administration. I place his books right next to my bed and use them as a consulting bible. Peter Drucker is a genius.

The book approaches so many concepts that are until today misunderstood and misused and gives us the true understanding into changing the organizational environment.

While my previous experience with quality management had staged the standardization of processes, the reading of peter Drucker is much more of a mind-opening experience. Drucker states that Innovation is a specific working instrument of the entrepreneurial spirit. Innovation is what drives forward the corporation on such a liquid environment where everything changes and is so volatile. The good entrepreneur embraces innovations while the bad one hates them. This topic was a very common thing among our working life at jumble. It is clearly observable that to some, changing something (or anything) sounds almost like an impossible task, while others are constantly changing everything.

Understanding the balance of innovation is the key for success. Take the sentence for example:

“ If you have more than five goals, you have none – Drucker”. That’s a good way into understanding this behave. In our company (like any other) some of us were as dynamic as a gun, shooting ideas everywhere. Their ideas were good and innovative, but understanding the balance from changing everything all the time and not changing anything at all is the key for success. A company that innovates at the correct rate is seen as innovative and up to date, but also maintaining the innovation, is part of creating the company´s image and consistency. A company that never changes anything might have the disadvantage of being left behind while maybe creating the notion of tradition and quality. Every case is a case, as the old proverb goes. In our case, finding the balance was necessary, and I believe we did it.


“Brilliant Ideas, related to innovation are nothing, if there is not an entrepreneurial vision” – That states clearly what I have been writing about with what this has new. Innovative ideas are everywhere, people come up with them all the time, amazing ideas. There are techniques to come up with new ideas such as writing little note papers with random words and combining them together and so on. But nothing of that is worth without the entrepreneurial vision, without the person to come and change those ideas into a profitable business.  That is the differential of understanding ideas and transforming them into something.

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