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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Navigating Learning Journey in a New Team

Kirjoittanut: Joyeta Banerjee - tiimistä Sointu.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 3 minuuttia.

A team’s formative years are crucial. The choices taken during this period will influence future ideas and the culture of the organisation for a very long time. The team’s behavior and the work that will be done inside the team are the most crucial decisions that a corporation must make. There are a variety of skill levels among the team members, and they should collaborate well as a unit. We have also recently begun to work as a team at Proakatemia. There were twenty-one people on a single team, so the beginning was somewhat frightening. Additionally, each person has a different motive for team learning. Having led this team for a while, I’ve learned a lot about our paja. Most of our team members, in my opinion, have a strong desire to learn and work well together. Throughout this time, I have studied a lot of books to understand team dynamics and what works and doesn’t work. I’ll be sharing what I’ve learned about these today.


Team Values Skills & Share’s the Motivation

The ideal synergy among startup teams is determined by carefully balancing the hard skills (experience) and soft skills (passion and vision) of its members. Even highly skilled and seasoned team members may not feel motivated to share their knowledge with the group because of a lack of support from the team. The team’s performance suffers as a result. Encouraging everyone on the team to feel inspired to contribute their ideas is crucial. Because the team will become far less significant if these ideas and networking don’t add value to it.  Knowledge is valuable, but it becomes meaningless if it contradicts the group’s objective. In some cases, differences in vision and zeal can hinder rather than enhance performance.

Communicate Openly and Frequently

In a team, open communication is very important, and it makes the teamwork dynamic. Making sure every team member feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, concerns, and feedback regarding any projects. Team meetings can be an important part of keeping everyone in the loop on what’s happening with projects or any kind of business.

Willingness to Let Go

Even with careful selection, there may be a person in your firm who doesn’t fit the mould. It’s okay to say goodbye to the little things that’s. creating trouble. It’s better for the team in the long run. If you can follow this, you will be on your way to making a great team.

Defining the role, you need to fill it.

To make your business successful, think back about what roles are important in your business. You can start targeting specific people with the skills and experience you need. It will be great if you have a good understanding of these.

Don’t be afraid to take risks. 

There is no room for complacency in startups. If you want to be successful, you have to push your boundaries and take risks.

Define Goals in a Team

Setting goals at the outset of a team is crucial. With goals, the team has a concrete objective for each task. S-M-A-R-T goal setting is the best goal-setting technique. This stands for time-bound, relevant, specific, measurable, and achievable. It is impossible to state, “We will improve the customer service,” when it comes to smart goals. Instead, the mission should be clearly defined. However, it will be wise to aim for a two-hour callback time reduction for clients. for the client to experience the enhancements. The objective ought to be reachable eventually.

Setting Important Ground Rules

Although we believe that each member may be responsible for their own work, having basic ground rules for the team also makes it work incredibly well. A team only needs a few ground principles to ensure that all duties and responsibilities are allocated fairly.


In a team, there are no set rules, yet accountability is crucial. You can also learn more and take on more responsibility by employing this accountability. In a team, disagreements will inevitably arise, but it’s crucial, in my opinion, to handle them quietly. It is preferable to speak with someone and have a chat from a neutral vantage point when you observe them not getting along with a fellow team member. The crew is not in a rush to become friends in a month or other short amount of time. When they spend time together, it will take place. I’ve learned a lot since we began our team experience here at Proakatemia. I’ll keep expressing my opinions.



Eva, de Mol. 2019. What Makes a Successful Startup Team. Harvard Business Review

The Do’s and Don’ts of Startups Building an Effective team

MIT Blog, Important Steps when Building a new Team


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