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Social Media Marketing

Kirjoittanut: Albab Aziz - tiimistä Crevio.

Esseen tyyppi: Blogiessee / 1 esseepistettä.

Albab Uddin Aziz
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 5 minuuttia.


Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a technique or process, where by targeting people who are active on different Social Media Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and many other platforms, product quality awareness (product brand awareness) is spread or various products, services and businesses are promoted (marketing).

This marketing process involves targeting countless people who are active online or on the Internet. And hence, it is considered as the best medium of digital marketing. I have already told you about what digital marketing is.

Through social media advertisement, you can promote any brand, product, or service, anywhere in the world through online advertisement.

Because, as the number of people using the internet increases, people are also using these social media sites or apps more and more.

Social media advertisement is a process where we run a type of paid marketing by running advertisements related to our products on various social media platforms.

If you are a businessman, you can use social media marketing to promote your product or service or any business very easily at home in any place, city, country or anywhere near you. Everything is possible on your smartphone.

Moreover, the opportunity to get consumers sitting at home for your product increases a lot.

How to do social media marketing?

The rules or process of social media marketing is very simple. Here you only need to survive some platforms, in which a lot of people are active. For example, Facebook and Twitter.

Now, before marketing or promoting, you need to create a profile, page, group or community for your brand or product name. You can do it all for free.

5 Benefits and Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Social media is being used nowadays by students to businessman, private employed people, government employed people or even elderly people. So, marketing or advertising using social media can easily reach thousands of people.

Besides, there are many more benefits or advantages, which can be ours only through social media marketing.

Benefits of social media advertisements or marketing

Below I am going to tell you about the 5 best and most important benefits or benefits one by one.

  1. Promotion of anything is possible:

You can promote any business or product big or small. Today, various people are selling various products in their own homes by marketing or promoting them on social media.

So, whatever your business or product, you can easily promote it through social media marketing.

  1. Paid advertisement at low cost :

Marketing or promotion is possible in this process for very less money. Hey, most of the process you can do yourself and for free.

You just need to create a profile or page on social media platforms. And then you can tell people about your product or business for free and give updates from time to time.

But, if you want to show more ads on social media, then it is possible through paid advertisement.

But in this, you have to spend some money. Although it costs money, marketing or promotion can be done at a much lower cost than physical marketing processes.

  1. Targeted promotion or marketing:

Through physical marketing we can never advertise to any particular person. Meaning, if you put an ad on the side of the road or behind a risque, it is not in your hands who will see that ad and who will not.

But, you will have options when it comes to marketing or promotion through social media. This means, where you want to target people, how long you want the ads to run, the age of the people to whom the ads will be shown, and how the ads can be shown based on people’s interests and needs.

So, as you can see, if you do online social media advertising or marketing by keeping all these things in mind, you will be able to target the target customers and a half who are involved with your business.

In this, your advertisement will be 100% successful and you will get targeted customers or consumers for your business.

  1. Easily find consumers or buyers:

What I said above, compared to other physical advertisements, in marketing or advertisement done through social media, we can easily target any place, special readers (audience), people with special interest or age of the audience.

In this case, by showing ads to targeted people in such a good way, the chances of getting more conversions or customers increase. And, today, thousands of people are getting targeted customers for their business in this way.

  1. Growing brand awareness

Today before we buy anything, we always look at the brand or company name of the item. A good brand means more trust. So, through social media marketing you can create a good image of your brand.

You can take your brand and company to people across the country and anywhere. Compared to old marketing, social media promotion has many benefits.

Why is social media marketing important?

Today any business or product has a lot of competition. Meaning, today a business is run by countless people. In this case, if you want to get more customers or consumers for your business, brand, or product, then you have to do something different.

In this case, social media marketing will come in handy for you. You can easily promote your business to people who are active on the internet. And, as a result of this online marketing, many people will know about your brand and business.

Thus, compared to your competitors, you will easily have more marketing and your business will be successful.

So, whether your business or product is small or big, this process of digital marketing can help you a lot.

So friends, you may have understood what social media marketing is and why it is important to promote online business using this medium.


Social media marketing (SMM) is a powerful digital marketing strategy that leverages the reach and engagement of various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. It allows businesses to promote their products, services, and brand to a global audience, and it offers several key benefits:

Universal Reach: Social media is used by people of all ages and backgrounds, making it an effective way to reach a wide audience, from students to professionals and even the elderly.

Cost-Effective Advertising: SMM offers cost-effective marketing options. You can start with free profiles, pages, and groups, and when needed, paid advertising can be targeted to specific demographics, interests, and locations, often at a lower cost than traditional marketing methods.

Targeted Marketing: Unlike physical marketing, SMM allows precise targeting. You can define the audience for your ads, ensuring your message reaches the right people, and increasing the chances of conversions.

Customer Acquisition: With targeted marketing, it’s easier to find potential customers or buyers who are genuinely interested in your products or services, leading to higher conversion rates.

Brand Awareness: SMM helps build brand awareness and trust. It allows you to showcase your brand and company to a broader audience, which is crucial in a competitive market.

In a world where competition is fierce, social media marketing is essential for businesses of all sizes. It enables you to stand out, engage with your audience, and ultimately succeed in your industry. Whether you have a small or large business, SMM can help you gain an edge over competitors and reach a global customer base.

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