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The library of essays of Proakatemia

Can we make the world recover without stress?

Kirjoittanut: Jemina Laitinen - tiimistä FLIP Solutions.

Esseen tyyppi: Yksilöessee / 2 esseepistettä.

Stress-Free Sustainability
Adam Hammes
Esseen arvioitu lukuaika on 4 minuuttia.

Sustainability has become one of the megatrends in the world, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. The consumer expects that companies protect the wellbeing and health of their labour force and at the same time helping local communities. (Angus & Westbrook 2021.) We can see that sustainability is the topic that interests more people, and it has begun a trend among the business world and consumers also. When consumers are more abreast about sustainable solutions, it forces companies to make reactions to make their business to be more sustainable.

Even though covid-19 has been a terrible pandemic situation, it seemed to put the world and the people to think about more sustainability and consumption. When the time before the pandemic were focused on how to use less plastic, the focus has been on urgent social priorities during the last year (Angus & Westbrook 2021). So, it seems that we took the step back in slow environmental treatment, but Angus & Westbrook (2021) have a view, that when a pandemic situation passes, the focus is to build a better future in the world.

In the future, companies focus is going to be on helping the world to be reshaped more sustainably, leading a shift from a volume focused to a value-focused economy and turning the orientation on social inequity and environmental damage. (Angus & Westbrook 2021.) That would make many environmentalists happier to hear that the whole world’s trend is going to focus on making the world a more sustainable place to live.

Adam Hammes (2015) tells in his book, that goal of trying to save the world can be a very stressful way to live for environmentalist and even cause burnout by trying other people to understand his point of view. Hammes created the three-step model to show what happens during the way to make people share his interest and change their way of thinking. Those steps are contempt, curiosity, and commitment. (Hammes 2015). Resisting and condemning is a natural way to react to new things which are against our beliefs and world view. New is scary even if it is positive. When contempt mode has passed, curiosity wakes up and people start to find information and be interested in our point of view. After that when people get the state commitment when they start to take actions and try. (Hammes 2015.)

Relate to Hammes three-step model, it seems that the pandemic situation has helped more people to get the step two or even three. Of course, there are always going to be people who stay in step one, but sustainability as the world’s megatrend can cause more interest in making differences in our habits. If customers start to require more sustainable solutions from companies, companies have a will to respond to those requirements to be more successful and more individuals are more aware of sustainable life choices, we can get this megatrend to make a big difference in the world.

When the world encourages individuals and companies to make more sustainable choices and focus on rebuilding our world after the pandemic, it is important to keep in mind Hamme’s point (2015) that running yourself to burnout does not help anyone and not particularly the world. As an individual, I can’t do everything. But I can do something. I can do my part to make choices that support the goal to make the future more sustainable and better. I can help other people to understand their place to do the same thing. I can help them by asking questions, to encourage and inspire them to be curious about new behaviour and habits.

According to Hammes (2015), it is important to know your audiences; the people you are talking to and trying to influence. When you understand the passion and interests of people you want to influence, it is easier to grab on the topic in a way that makes them listen, understand and maybe even listen truly. Also, influencing through the values of people is a more effective way to make a difference in people’s habits. Because values are deeper than habits, so finding common values makes it easier to work together (Hammes 2015).

We young entrepreneurs can build our companies to be based on sustainable values and in that way help the rehabilitation of the world after the pandemic situation. Because young companies build their values and habits to run a business, it is easier to create a sustainable culture for the community and organization. It is also important to be aware to respond to the expectations of the consumers to have a successful business and have long-term customer relationships. However, according to Hammes (2015), it is not the purpose to do everything and have every action of life and business to make more people understand and do actions towards sustainable consumptions. On the other hand, in the future, your sustainable choices can make your business more successful.

Building a new company based on sustainable values can also cause stress if those values are not natural in your life. What could be the small action and a little thing, which could make your business more sustainable now and in the future? What could be that thing which would make you inspired and will inspire people in the future? Without stress.



Angus, A & Westbrook, G. Top 10 global consumer trends 2021. Euromonitor International. Publication: January 2021.

Hammes, A. 2015. Stress-free sustainability, Leverage your emotions, avoid burnout and influence anyone. Audiobook. Audible.com.

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